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 convolution [`kɑnvə'luʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 回旋, 卷绕, 盘旋

[计] 卷积

[化] 卷积

[医] 卷曲, 回旋; 回, 脑回

  1. More about convolution and correlation.
  2. Convolution, correlation. Firing rate. Spike-triggered average.
  3. Convolution code is a better code of error controlling performance.

[ noun ]
  1. the shape of something rotating rapidly

  2. <noun.shape>
  3. a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain

  4. <noun.body>
  5. the action of coiling or twisting or winding together

  6. <noun.act>

Convolution \Con`vo*lu"tion\, n.
1. The act of rolling anything upon itself, or one thing upon
another; a winding motion.

O'er the calm sea, in convolution swift,
The feathered eddy floats. --Thomson.

2. The state of being rolled upon itself, or rolled or
doubled together; a tortuous or sinuous winding or fold,
as of something rolled or folded upon itself. --Blackmore.

3. (Anat.) An irregular, tortuous folding of an organ or
part; as, the convolutions of the intestines; the cerebral
convolutions. See {Brain}.

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