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 contradiction [`kɑntrə'dɪkʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 反驳, 矛盾

[法] 矛盾, 否认, 反驳

  1. He will permit no contradiction.
  2. That's a flat contradiction of what you said before.
  3. Is there a contradiction here?

[ noun ]
  1. opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas

  2. <noun.linkdef>
  3. (logic) a statement that is necessarily false

  4. <noun.communication>
    the statement `he is brave and he is not brave' is a contradiction
  5. the speech act of contradicting someone

  6. <noun.communication>
    he spoke as if he thought his claims were immune to contradiction

Contradiction \Con`tra*dic"tion\, n. [L. contradictio answer,
objection: cf. F. contradiction.]
1. An assertion of the contrary to what has been said or
affirmed; denial of the truth of a statement or assertion;
contrary declaration; gainsaying.

His fair demands
Shall be accomplished without contradiction. --Shak.

2. Direct opposition or repugnancy; inconsistency;
incongruity or contrariety; one who, or that which, is

can he make deathless death? That were to make
Strange contradiction. --Milton.

We state our experience and then we come to a manly
resolution of acting in contradiction to it.

Both parts of a contradiction can not possibly be
true. --Hobbes.

Of contradictions infinite the slave. --Wordsworth.

{Principle of contradiction} (Logic), the axiom or law of
thought that a thing cannot be and not be at the same
time, or a thing must either be or not be, or the same
attribute can not at the same time be affirmed and and
denied of the same subject; also called the {law of the
excluded middle}.

Note: It develops itself in three specific forms which have
been called the ``Three Logical Axioms.'' First, ``A is
A.'' Second, ``A is not Not-A'' Third, ``Everything is
either A or Not-A.''

  1. "The accused is in effect shown in two places at the same time. But the court verdict never referred to this contradiction," Sheftel said.
  2. This involves a contradiction.
  3. This is mere word-play, if not contradiction. But at the end of the book we get a list of virtues to put in reason's place.
  4. This is a contradiction," he said.
  5. "The term environmentally safe oil development is a contradiction," said Lisa Spear of the Natural Resources Defense Council.
  6. But as Rutgers political scientist Benjamin Barber points out in "The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times" (Princeton, 220 pages, $25), this too has a tendency to lapse into contradiction.
  7. Saved by writerly contradiction, I sigh with relief.
  8. Thus it has been a political and economic model highly congenial to a capitalist outlook, but not to a democratic one and of course in the last analysis the two outlooks are in fundamental contradiction.
  9. Mr Bossi has never felt comfortable in the same alliance as the neo-fascist MSI/National Alliance of Mr Gianfranco Fini. But there has been a far greater contradiction at the heart of the coalition.
  10. Cramer, spokesman for the Springer family, said he saw no contradiction between Axel Springer's wishes for his company and the Burdas selling their stock to Springer's heirs.
  11. In stark contradiction to the rule-based Gatt system which he is now championing, it sought guarantees from Japan that chunks of its domestic market would be reserved for US and foreign companies. So who is the real Bill Clinton?
  12. If I had lived in good conditions, warm and well-fed, maybe I wouldn't have become involved in politics." When asked about the apparent contradiction, Mr. Zhirinovsky changes the subject.
  13. "The idea of a lazy potato is a contradiction in terms," he said.
  14. "The management is trying to break the union by forcing some of the workers to sign personal contracts in contradiction to a signed agreement between the workers' committee and the management," said a union spokesman who asked not to be identified.
  15. It is a contradiction in terms.
  16. Other experiments have raised the possibility of a fifth or even a sixth that either attract or repel objects in contradiction to Newton's theories.
  17. De Marco said Friday that he did not want to force a contradiction between the positions of the assembly and the council, and therefore hoped the issue could be resolved without recourse to the assembly.
  18. 'There is no contradiction between the reform of the Belgian state and the European integration process,' says Mr Dehaene.
  19. 'There is a contradiction between settlements in the town and peace.
  20. This incident (soldiers firing on citizens) never happened within the area of Beijing." Li did not clarify the contradiction.
  21. Is there such a thing as civilised hunting, or is that a contradiction of terms? My first inclination was to believe that it was all rather nasty.
  22. There is a contradiction here.
  23. Rep. Gephardt may have another contradiction to overcome.
  24. But to deal with today's reality, and today's reality is that all European countries can debate within CFC which is desirable, and is not at all in contradiction with any new behavior or any new evolutions in NATO.
  25. The contradiction arises from differences in adjustment for metereological variations, which can substantially affect ozone concentration.
  26. Take, for example, the contradiction between the ANC's commitment to anti-trust legislation and a more active competition policy, and tax measures in the last two budgets designed to encourage businesses to reinvest.
  27. "Toy safety has become a contradiction in terms," according to the consumer group's 135-page report that surveyed 51 toys.
  28. But this is a contradiction verging on an absurdity.
  29. Reporters protested the contradiction, but he refused to put his briefing on the record.
  30. Perhaps the biggest contradiction, however, is whether he is a scholarly collector of rare documents or a thief.
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