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 contour ['kɒntuә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 轮廓

vt. 画轮廓

a. 显示轮廓的

[计] 轮廓

[医] 外形, 轮廓

  1. The smooth contour of the sculpture is wonderful.
  2. The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon.
  3. A contour line.

[ noun ]
  1. a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline)

  4. <noun.attribute>
    he could barely make out their shapes
  5. a feature (or the order or arrangement of features) of anything having a complex structure

  6. <noun.cognition>
    the contours of the melody
    it defines a major contour of this administration
[ verb ]
  1. form the contours of

  2. <verb.creation>

Contour \Con*tour"\, n. [F. contour, fr. contourner to mark the
outlines; con- + tourner to turn. See {Turn}.]
1. The outline of a figure or body, or the line or lines
representing such an outline; the line that bounds;

Titian's coloring and contours. --A. Drummond.

2. (Mil.) The outline of a horizontal section of the ground,
or of works of fortification.

{Contour feathers} (Zo["o]l.), those feathers that form the
general covering of a bird.

{Contour of ground} (Surv.), the outline of the surface of
ground with respect to its undulation, etc.

{Contour line} (Topographical Suv.), the line in which a
horizontal plane intersects a portion of ground, or the
corresponding line in a map or chart.

  1. So farmers baulk at the added cost of contour farming or buying cattle.
  2. Each evening, the goat lady came, walking her chestnut-coloured flock over the stepping stones to the sound of a clonking bell. For two days, I stared at that rock pool until I knew every line and contour, every fold and pocket.
  3. But it has guns, tanks, a room-size, three-dimensional contour map of Southern California and possessions of a few of the more than one million men who endured a Bedouin-like six months here.
  4. Then develop the contour, with the lowest or largest stones embedded to make them look as though they have always been there. Then add your next layer with the spaces between filled with the mixture or medium for the plants to grow in.
  5. The Tomahawks were guided to Florida's west coast by their on-board navigation system. Once over land, their guidance system adjusted course using an on-board computerized "terrain contour matching system," Holsapple said.
  6. But this was more than a bit. This was biblical. We had come to walk the levadas - irrigation channels which contour Madeira's terraced inland slopes.
  7. Yet the Democratic presidential hopefuls still face some deadly land mines in the months ahead that may make it very hard for them to follow that contour.
  8. Standing near a painting of the Iwo Jima memorial, he grimaces over a drawing that replicates the contour of the famous Marine icon but substitutes bikini-clad women raising a uniformed security guard.
  9. On its state maps, for example, Raven's cartographic team uses film with a removable emulsion, peeling away the surface coating between each set of contour lines and adding a band of color.
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