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 continental [,kɒnti'nentl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 大陆的, 洲的

n. 欧洲大陆人

[法] 大陆的, 大陆性的

  1. There is a continental climate in that place.
  2. I ask for a continental holiday.
  3. German geophysicist, meteorologist, and explorer who proposed the theory of continental drift.

[ adj ]
  1. of or pertaining to or typical of Europe

  2. <adj.pert>
    a Continental breakfast
  3. of or relating to or concerning the American colonies during and immediately after the American Revolutionary War

  4. <adj.pert>
    the Continental Army
    the Continental Congress
  5. of or relating to or characteristic of a continent

  6. <adj.pert>
    the continental divide
    continental drift
  7. being or concerning or limited to a continent especially the continents of North America or Europe

  8. <adj.all>
    the continental United States
    continental Europe
    continental waters

Continental \Con`ti*nen"tal\, n.
1. (Amer. Hist.) A soldier in the Continental army. See
{Continental}, a., 3.

2. (Amer. Hist.) a piece of the Continental currency, paper
money issued under authority of the Continental Congress.
See {Continental}, a., 3.

Note: "Not worth a continental." was said of Continental
currency after the American revolution, when it was
considered almost worthless. Eventually, under
Alexander Hamilton's direction at the Treasury
department, the currency was all redeemed at full

Continental \Con`ti*nen"tal\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to a continent.

2. Of or pertaining to the main land of Europe, in
distinction from the adjacent islands, especially England;
as, a continental tour; a continental coalition.

No former king had involved himself so frequently in
the labyrinth of continental alliances. --Hallam.

3. (Amer. Hist.) Of or pertaining to the confederated
colonies collectively, in the time of the Revolutionary
War; as, Continental money.

The army before Boston was designated as the
Continental army, in contradistinction to that under
General Gage, which was called the ``Ministerial
army.'' --W. Irving.

{Continental Congress}. See under {Congress}.

{Continental system} (Hist.), the blockade of Great Britain
ordered by Napoleon by the decree of Berlin, Nov. 21,
1806; the object being to strike a blow at the maritime
and commercial supremacy of Great Britain, by cutting her
off from all intercourse with the continent of Europe.

  1. Its IPounds 100m cash hoard makes the company a financially solid business, but the market may get impatient if the continental expansion does not bring the expected rewards in terms of higher earnings.
  2. We've successfully captured a number of accounts.' Demand for diesel engines has recovered in the UK and the US, but remains fragile in continental Europe.
  3. The cuisine is continental, but menu choices do not seem to vary regardless of whether German, French or Americans predominate the passenger list.
  4. The Scorpions have had one double-platinum, two platinum and two gold albums in the United States, and no other continental European band has approached that level of sales.
  5. The bases are the largest U.S. military facilities outside the continental United States.
  6. In the past year, continental European and Japanese banks have become buy-out lenders as well.
  7. Could the Assemblies of God Property Trust, the Baptist Union Corporation and the Methodist Chapel Aid Association, soon be seeking continental converts? No doubt they offer miraculous returns to depositors.
  8. Mr Butler said that in continental Europe the footwear side was breaking even.
  9. Senior politicians are arguing about the future shape of the European Union, and Britain's role in continental politics.
  10. There is the expectation of further recovery in continental Europe, plus a full year's contribution from Linread, its latest significant buy.
  11. "We could reach a continental agreement that could be a beginning of a permanent dialogue," he said.
  12. RENEWED currency tension and the possibility of devaluation had different effects on continental bourses last week.
  13. This Associated Press poll was conducted by telephone July 20-24 among a random sample of 1,004 adults in the continental United States.
  14. The improved tone on Wall Street and in the UK and continental European securities markets was reflected in a gain in shares of Reuters, the global financial information group.
  15. The consumer saw things differently and said, l like Muller's products.' Unigate is now making yogurts intended to match the German company's range. Recently, Mr Buckland's horizons have begun to extend beyond the UK to continental Europe.
  16. In continental Europe overall, market conditions stabilised. In North America, the combination of an improving market and rationalisation programmes in the last 12 months had brought a return to profitability.
  17. The group's main continental petfood operation is Hopermann, a German distribution company acquired four years ago.
  18. On the one hand, economic news from continental Europe continues to be poor; on the other, stronger growth in the US raises the prospect of steadily climbing bond yields and the possibility of a tightening by the Federal Reserve.
  19. The stimulus will have to come from Japan and continental Europe; to some extent it is already doing so.
  20. The United States, North American champion, and Poland, the European titleholder, have qualified for the semifinals as a result of their continental victories.
  21. The convention in continental Europe, says the paper, is to treat publicly-owned activities that earn a market return differently from those that do not.
  22. Gross margins had been maintained, however, Mr Lang said. The group planned to expand this business into continental Europe.
  23. There were losses in the Americas and in continental Europe.
  24. It said this was only partly offset by the buoyant tone of some continental European markets.
  25. He became the youngest pilot to fly across the continental United States unaided, beating a 10-year-old's previous achievement, according to the National Aeronautics Association.
  26. By stressing the absolute number of votes, as opposed to the percentage, it poses as defender of the status quo against yet another onslaught by wild-eyed continental federalists.
  27. At 3,454.7, the FT-SE Mid 250 Index gained 16.5 points. Hopes that interest rates will continue to fall slowly in Germany benefited shares in those building and construction shares with activities in continental Europe.
  28. One remedy is to set up a 'family council' - a practice which has been adopted by some continental European companies.
  29. They had double the index weighting in continental Europe and triple the weighting in the then fashionable, but subsequently dangerous, Pacific basin markets (excluding Japan).
  30. It would invite in global securities firms and mount a challenge to the even sleepier and more inward-looking bourses of continental Europe.
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