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 consistently [kən'sɪstəntlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 坚固, 坚实, 一致, 始终如一, 连贯

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  1. Consistently telling the truth; honest.
  2. England's win at cricket was the only crumb of comfort in a week of consistently bad news for British sport.
  3. The old man lives consistently with the laws of health.

[ adv ]
in a systematic or consistent manner
they systematically excluded women

Consistently \Con*sist"ent*ly\, adv.
In a consistent manner.

  1. About $1.4 million for Nicaragua's Miskito Indians, an opposition group that has been carrying out its own battle against the Sandinistas, but has consistently refused invitations to join with the Contras.
  2. Perhaps it had an overgeared financial structure and a management which has consistently failed to perform,' says Mr Hollidge.
  3. The EIA's October report said that 43 companies delivering natural gas to industrial users "have consistently misreported their monthly industrial" deliveries following introduction of a new reporting form in January.
  4. "Eastern has consistently slammed every door in the pilots' face," said John Mazor, an ALPA spokesman.
  5. Quayle is a passionate defender of the Strategic Defense Initiative _ the space-based missile defense system _ and he takes a consistently skeptical view of the Soviet Union's reform moves.
  6. Mr. McBee said Pacific Telesis has consistently argued that the formula for calculating the size of the cut is flawed.
  7. Although he has granted Lithuanians and their neighbors in Latvia and Estonia a large measure of economic and political power, Gorbachev has consistently and sharply criticized Lithuanian Communist Party leaders for pressing for complete independence.
  8. Economic activity appears to be improving slightly but consistently.
  9. Koppers, however, has consistently contended that Shearson's stake in BNS gives the firm actual voting rights in BNS, which goes far beyond a simple bridge loan.
  10. Hundreds of studies of market patterns have failed to find one that can make consistently accurate predictions.
  11. The first exhibition to use the new halls will be the International Printing Equipment Exhibition. The NEC has consistently made profits since the early 1980s.
  12. The percentage of gay and bisexual men consistently practicing safer sex has jumped from 31.6 in 1984 to 57.9 in 1988, researchers say.
  13. The Greeley Daily Tribune also received a special award as sweepstakes runner-up for consistently cogent commentaries.
  14. Capitalism has consistently showed itself capable of refuting Malthus's ancient prediction that food production could not keep up with population.
  15. The company has consistently earned more than a 20% annual return on its net worth while many companies would be happy with 15%.
  16. Rumors circulated that the devoutly Catholic Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki was Jewish or that his government was dominated by Jews, and questioners consistently raised the issue at campaign events.
  17. Members of the 13-nation Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, have been squabbling over quota allocations and several nations have consistently produced beyond their established limits in open defiance of the OPEC ceilings.
  18. PERPETUAL has proved itself capable of producing consistently above-average performance from its fund management business and its shares have reflected this success.
  19. France is consistently among the top five countries for Disney films, according to a company spokeswoman.
  20. The Basses (virtually the only people in the tale who were consistently honest, at least so far as the author says) wound up with a profit that so far exceeds $1 billion.
  21. "Are we to believe that the Census Bureau consistently found more whites than they estimated, but was unable to find even the number of Hispanics that they had estimated in 1988?" he said.
  22. Mr. Hart told bankers that it isn't MasterCard's intention to restrict membership, but that the organization is reviewing membership policies to ensure that they are consistently applied, clear, fair and establish a level playing field.
  23. Westinghouse, for example, has consistently underperformed the US market since the change of management.
  24. New state figures from the Census Bureau covering the 1980s show Iowa losing residents consistently from 1981 to mid-1986.
  25. China maintains diplomatic relations with the Philippines and has consistently denied giving the rebels any material aid.
  26. Buckmaster, a subsidiary of Credit Suisse Asset Management, has turned in a consistently poor performance from its Fellowship trust. Recently it widened its ethical criteria to try to improve performance.
  27. The Tories' 'economic competence' rating scores consistently higher than Labour's.
  28. But in 10 years of actual practice, in a wide variety of market environments, a composite of five option-income funds has consistently lagged far behind Standard & Poor's 500-stock composite index, Sutro analysts note.
  29. They consistently exceed safety limits recommended by the EC and World Health Organisation. Exposure to benzene and CO is highest on urban roads and in slow-moving traffic.
  30. Congress has consistently appropriated more for education than the Reagan administration has sought.
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