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 considerably [kәn'sidәrәbli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 非常地, 很, 颇

  1. It's considerably colder this morning.
  2. The problem is considerably difficult to us.
  3. He lost his way, which delayed him considerably.

[ adv ]
to a great extent or degree
I'm afraid the film was well over budgetpainting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger
the house has fallen considerably in value
the price went up substantially

Considerably \Con*sid"er*a*bly\, adv.
In a manner or to a degree not trifling or unimportant;
greatly; much.

The breeds . . . differ considerably from each other.

  1. This is considerably greater than the 3% increase seen for all deaths in the U.S.
  2. But it expected considerably more public funds would be needed since many women who need better prenatal care live near or below the poverty line.
  3. "The heavy oil is less and less attractive in today's green-type environment, but if they give us the linkage of exploring lighter crude areas, it will change the picture considerably," says an official of one oil company holding talks with PDVSA.
  4. Likewise, many cautious funds often conduct extra growth sorties into the ranks of medium-sized and smaller companies. Both factors can change a fund's risk and character considerably.
  5. The nonunionized subsidiary mostly does work in the South, where unions exercise considerably less influence and open shops are common.
  6. Mr. Shin's The Palace in Honolulu attracted a clientele considerably down the social ladder.
  7. Links have strengthened considerably since the election last year of Mr Bill Morris as TGWU general secretary. This year the two unions have increasingly worked together, including on a campaign to improve training.
  8. Profit for the full fiscal year, he said, was "considerably below" last year's $3.7 million, or 43 cents a share.
  9. Hong Kong's screening policy may well be more dishonest than the push-back measures adopted by Thailand and Indonesia and threatened by Malaysia, but it is considerably more humane.
  10. That figure is down considerably from several years ago when rebel political operations in the United States had strong U.S. government backing.
  11. But proponents of a Whitehead trip say Iraq's support for terrorism is relatively minor, and that better relations with Washington have moderated Iraq's behavior considerably.
  12. Since then, Safeway has reduced debt and considerably improved its operating profit margins.
  13. In this case, the value received by everyone involved would likely be considerably less than the value that would be received through voluntary restructuring," Lassiter said.
  14. "The relationship between the fed funds rate and the discount rate has varied quite considerably over the years," he said, adding that the Reserve Board feels "to date, the current relationships are satisfactory."
  15. In a separate announcement, Uspci said it expects sales and per-share earnings for the second quarter to be considerably higher than analysts' estimates of 24 cents to 30 cents.
  16. But its purchasing power is still considerably greater for most of the items in a low income family budget. The Central Bank last estimate for inflation was 20.7 per cent up in 12 months.
  17. Within this, he had considerably broadened the geographical spread, especially to former communist eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
  18. The good news is that this is considerably less than the Pounds 1.95bn which the contractors had sought. The deal settles the final claim outstanding against Eurotunnel, although it still has a Pounds 1bn claim against the British and French railways.
  19. To view published earnings as only a baby step toward understanding a company's true "normal earning power," which may be considerably more or less.
  20. Mr. Roh argues that the car's price in Korea must be "considerably lower than Mr. Gephardt has propagandized.
  21. The Navy plans to replace its aging fleet of A-6 planes with the A-12. The A-6, however, cost considerably less _ about $20 million each in 1986, prior to a halt in production.
  22. This is considerably higher than the average spent on a credit card in a year.
  23. "We rely considerably on the companies' independent auditors."
  24. Ms. Ewing's considerably smaller vocal gifts include neither the range nor the power of, say, Callas.
  25. Other Top 10 films pulled in considerably less during the weekend.
  26. Tax increases being levied now to bring budgets into balance will rake in considerably more revenue once the recession ends.
  27. "But the speed of execution has grown considerably more impressive."
  28. Mr. Sassa said TNT South is costing Turner "considerably less" to launch than the $30 million it spent on TNT, but he wouldn't elaborate.
  29. In fact, the 'spiritual' tempi struck me as considerably slower (and much less varied) than Wolf can have expected, especially with younger singers: stretching things out to the limit doesn't automatically suggest soulful depths.
  30. What's more, OPEC is pumping considerably more oil than it was before its unsuccessful effort last month to seek an accord with the non-OPEC producers.
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