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 conic section 添加此单词到默认生词本

    conic section
    [ noun ]
    (geometry) a curve generated by the intersection of a plane and a circular cone

    Conic \Con"ic\, Conical \Con"ic*al\, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. conique.
    See {Cone}.]
    1. Having the form of, or resembling, a geometrical cone;
    round and tapering to a point, or gradually lessening in
    circumference; as, a conic or conical figure; a conical

    2. Of or pertaining to a cone; as, conic sections.

    {Conic section} (Geom.), a curved line formed by the
    intersection of the surface of a right cone and a plane.
    The conic sections are the parabola, ellipse, and
    hyperbola. The right lines and the circle which result
    from certain positions of the plane are sometimes, though
    not generally included.

    {Conic sections}, that branch of geometry which treats of the
    parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola.

    {Conical pendulum}. See {Pendulum}.

    {Conical projection}, a method of delineating the surface of
    a sphere upon a plane surface as if projected upon the
    surface of a cone; -- much used by makers of maps in

    {Conical surface} (Geom.), a surface described by a right
    line moving along any curve and always passing through a
    fixed point that is not in the plane of that curve.

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