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 condensate [kən'dɛnset]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 聚合物, 冷凝物, 冷凝液

[化] 冷凝; 冷凝物; 冷凝液; 缩合物

[经] 冷凝体

  1. Thus, the condensate on a chip is the beginning of a story.
  2. The dust shell is she condensate of the mass ejected by the central star.
  3. Before being passed back to the boiler, the condensate should be preheated.

[ noun ]
  1. a product of condensation

  2. <noun.substance>
  3. atmospheric moisture that has condensed because of cold

  4. <noun.phenomenon>

Condensate \Con*den"sate\, a. [L. condensatus, p. p. of
condensare. See {Condense}, v. t.]
Made dense; condensed.

Water . . . thickened or condensate. --Peacham.

Condensate \Con*den"sate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Condensated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Condensating}.]
To condense. [R.] --Hammond.

  1. Daily average gross crude oil and lease condensate production for the week ended Friday was 8,182,000 barrels compared with 8,320,000 last year.
  2. The open design also inhibits condensate from forming on the cork, which can cause seepage or mildew.
  3. Figures from Lehman Brothers, the US investment bank, show that Shell's finding costs over the past three years have averaged Dollars 2.50 per barrel of oil equivalent (which includes natural gas and condensate).
  4. It said these interests include an 18.75 percent interest in the offshore Maui field, and a 37.5 percent interest in the onshore Kapuni field, both of which produce natural gas and condensate for the local New Zealand market.
  5. The fields contain a high-grade condensate that can be used to make jet fuel and can be blended with heavier crudes.
  6. Citing declines in revenues from oil, natural gas and condensate production, Mesa Limited Partnership reported a net income of $14.6 million, or 15 cents per common unit, on revenues of $105 million for the first quarter of 1989.
  7. The project, estimated to cost $885 million, includes off-shore platforms, pipelines for condensate and gas, onshore storage facilities and an offshore tanker loading facility.
  8. An Amoco Corp. unit said it discovered natural gas and condensate in an exploratory well off the east coast of Trinidad.
  9. Freeport-McMoRan Energy Partners Ltd. said the well tested at a daily rate of 10.3 million cubic feet of gas and 74 barrels of condensate on a 13/64-inch opening at depths between 16,558 and 16,578 feet.
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