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 concentration [,kɒnsәn'treiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 集中, 专心

[化] 浓度; 浓缩

[医] 浓度, 浓缩, 浓缩物, 集中

[经] 集中

  1. Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.
  2. I found it hard to keep my concentration with such a noise going on.
  3. A state of mental concentration.

[ noun ]
  1. the strength of a solution; number of molecules of a substance in a given volume

  2. <noun.attribute>
  3. the spatial property of being crowded together

  4. <noun.attribute>
  5. strengthening the concentration (as of a solute in a mixture) by removing diluting material

  6. <noun.act>
  7. increase in density

  8. <noun.event>
  9. complete attention; intense mental effort

  10. <noun.cognition>
  11. bringing together military forces

  12. <noun.act>
  13. great and constant diligence and attention

  14. <noun.attribute>

Concentration \Con`cen*tra"tion\, n. [Cf. F. concentration.]
1. The act or process of concentrating; the process of
becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated;

Concentration of the lunar beams. --Boyle.

Intense concetration of thought. --Sir J.

2. The act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid, as
by evaporation.

The acid acquires a higher degree of concentration.

3. (Metal.) The act or process of removing the dress of ore
and of reducing the valuable part to smaller compass, as
by currents of air or water.

Dephlegmation \De`phleg*ma"tion\, n. [Cf. F. d['e]flegmation.]
The operation of separating water from spirits and acids, by
evaporation or repeated distillation; -- called also
{concentration}, especially when acids are the subject of it.

  1. Also, Britain's importance in international monetary affairs is proportionally greater than the country's economy because of the concentration of financial markets in London, the officials contend.
  2. Reimer said Monday there appears to be no outbreak of measles among the state's largest concentration of Amish in Lancaster County in southeastern Pennsylvania.
  3. Workers were not required to use the regulator, since mining in the section had been completed on Sept. 6, and the four workers who died in the area of high methane concentration were dismantling a longwall mining machine, Smith said.
  4. Another name-reader at Parliament was Lithuanian-born Parliament speaker Dov Shilansky, a survivor of Dachau concentration camp in Germany, who lost aunts, uncles and grandparents to the Nazis.
  5. Isaac Neuman, a Polish-born survivor of Auschwitz and nine other Nazi concentration camps, said he will depart for good by year's end.
  6. George Mason now has the highest concentration of economics-oriented law scholars, half of the 29 full-time professors.
  7. "The somber walls of the concentration camp of Mauthausen forcefully remind us of the martyrs of our own time," Waldheim said of the concentration camp the pontiff visited Friday.
  8. "The somber walls of the concentration camp of Mauthausen forcefully remind us of the martyrs of our own time," Waldheim said of the concentration camp the pontiff visited Friday.
  9. In balloon flights last year over southern France and central India at altitudes of 10 to 15 kilometers, the scientists found the concentration of one Halon gas was, by a measure called a volume mixing ratio, about two parts per trillion parts of air.
  10. To try and be No. 2 in the United States would require concentration of resources that I think would not be justified in the context of achieving our goals.
  11. The exhibit contains more than 600 photographs depicting the life and times of the young Jewish girl whose diaries have been read by millions since she perished in a concentration camp in 1945.
  12. The charges against Barbie included the roundup and deportation of French Jews _ including 44 children _ to concentration camps in Germany.
  13. To do either would be to divorce us from the greatest concentration of gross national product and values that reenforce the security of the U.S.
  14. Following your directive on personal supervision of Wallenberg, please give me instructions on ways to dispose of the body." Wallenberg issued Swedish travel documents to 20,000 Hungarian Jews slated for Nazi concentration camps.
  15. The report says: 'The geographical concentration of ethnic minority workers can only explain some of the differences.
  16. About 90 of the companies are in Silicon Valley, the region south of San Francisco named for its concentration of high-tech businesses.
  17. A concentration of technologists in Jerusalem was one factor behind the company's decision to set up its production facilities there. But he does not think Israel's academic institutions are particularly productive.
  18. To do that, negotiators are discussing a variety of options, including swapping old debt for new, guaranteed bonds, and putting up new loans to dilute the debt concentration.
  19. "The FCC is ignoring the adverse impact of media concentration on the viewers of television," said Jeffrey Chester, the group's director.
  20. These objects are meant to convey the vitality and diversity of Jewish culture through the ages, and to draw attention away from Holocaust images of packed trains, concentration camps and gas chambers.
  21. Belgrave Road is Leicester's curry centre although Melton Road offers good competition with, in particular, The Taj at number 259 (0533-662185). BRADFORD Bradford boasts the highest concentration of curry restaurants in the country.
  22. "He was skating too good," Jansen said. "His concentration looked good.
  23. By preventing direct ownership of industrial stocks by banks, goes one durable argument, Glass-Steagall has spared the U.S. from the concentration of economic power in banking that has stifled competition and growth in Europe.
  24. "Maybe all the media concentration on fraud on Wall Street has pressured the public that all the fraud on Wall Street was more severe than it thought initially," said Alan Bromberg, a securities law professor at Southern Methodist University.
  25. The conventional industry view is that further concentration would raise monopoly problems.
  26. The girl and her family lived in an Amsterdam attic for two years before they were discovered and sent to concentration camps.
  27. First, it encouraged a much-needed concentration among robot producers.
  28. How much of the gospel, how much of the person and message and spirit of Jesus Christ has been lost by over concentration on fall-redemption religion in the West? The universe teaches universality.
  29. Guards kept the protesters, clad in the black-and-white striped shirts of concentration camp inmates, from entering the gate on the stately grounds, where Weiss tried to deliver a personal letter for Weizsaecker.
  30. The concentration in eight ounces of milk in the Canadian tests worked out to 0.6 picograms of the most potent form of dioxin per kilogram of body weight for a child of 110 pounds.
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