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 composure [kәm'pәuʒә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 镇静, 沉着

  1. We should keep our composure in danger.
  2. He showed great composure in difficult situations.
  3. She recovered herself/her composure and smiled.
    她恢复了常态[镇静], 笑了笑.

[ noun ]
steadiness of mind under stress
he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity

Composure \Com*po"sure\, n. [From {Compose}.]
1. The act of composing, or that which is composed; a
composition. [Obs.]

Signor Pietro, who had an admirable way both of
composure [in music] and teaching. --Evelyn.

2. Orderly adjustment; disposition. [Obs.]

Various composures and combinations of these
corpuscles. --Woodward.

3. Frame; make; temperament. [Obs.]

His composure must be rare indeed
Whom these things can not blemish. --Shak.

4. A settled state; calmness; sedateness; tranquillity;
repose. ``We seek peace and composure.'' --Milton.

When the passions . . . are all silent, the mind
enjoys its most perfect composure. --I. Watts.

5. A combination; a union; a bond. [Obs.] --Shak.

  1. Her composure is rooted in her affection for the Orthodox church and her belief in God, combined with worldly realism.
  2. SENIOR bourses regained their composure after the German money supply scare on Thursday, writes Our Markets Staff. FRANKFURT fell slightly but confounded dealers who had expected a steep decline.
  3. District Judge Michael Wendell ordered a break while she regained her composure and the subject was dropped when testimony continued.
  4. Helped by the dollar's strong recovery, the battered bond market regained some composure.
  5. The judging focused on six categories: scholastic achievement; spirit; fitness; presence and composure; creative and performing arts, and on the basis of a personal interview with the judges.
  6. After Bender returned to his side, Bakker regained his composure.
  7. Marcos is of course very worried, but managing to hold her composure," said Marcos spokesman Gemmo Trinidad.
  8. Graeme Hick seems to have regained his composure there for England after a winter of fallibility. Minefield - a raging bunsen that helps fast bowlers as well.
  9. This key debate requires government stability - as does the management of an economy in recession. He would be reluctant to leave office before electoral reform was in place and the parties had regained their composure.
  10. When Lonsdale appeared, Hatfield stumbled over his words before regaining his composure.
  11. To the delight of Americans, the duchess dropped her regal composure a few hours later outside the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
  12. Yields on longer-dated bonds remained fairly stable through most of December. However, as the first quarter begins, the market seems to have lost some of its composure.
  13. When there is a matter of state the TV cameras confirm that her dignity and composure are exemplary. Her highest duty, as she sees it, is to preserve the monarchy.
  14. But the market later regained some composure, helped by declines in commodity prices and some short-term interest rates as well as by a stronger dollar in the foreign exchange markets.
  15. He left the courtroom for 15 minutes to regain his composure.
  16. Somehow, it was almost a relief to see him for a moment with his composure slightly ruffled.
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