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 complicated ['kɑmplə`ketɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 复杂的

[医] 并发的

  1. Chopin aroused very complicated emotions in her.
  2. They have straightened out a very complicated problem.
  3. I don't understand the mathematics (eg the complicated calculations) here.

[ adj ]
difficult to analyze or understand
a complicated problemcomplicated Middle East politics

Complicate \Com"pli*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Complicated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Complicating}.]
To fold or twist together; to combine intricately; to make
complex; to combine or associate so as to make intricate or

Nor can his complicated sinews fail. --Young.

Avarice and luxury very often become one complicated
principle of action. --Addison.

When the disease is complicated with other diseases.

  1. Thus ended the campaign in the first of the industrial states to vote, a battle that seemed as clear-cut on the Republican side as it was complicated for the Democrats.
  2. This can hold up shipped cargo, and given the long and complicated Mexican custom procedures, add significantly to costs.
  3. The capital entitlement of the shares is more complicated.
  4. Moreover, his ultimate deduction is complicated by the provision of the 1986 tax act that now limits miscellaneous personal deductions.
  5. The company is in the Guiness Book of Records for the world's most complicated pocket watch without precious metals.
  6. Those changes are relatively easy. "The more complicated issue is how to deal with the drivers," Boffa said.
  7. But the price hikes already were in the works before the spill because of a complicated series of production and market factors, Attorney General Ken Eikenberry said Wednesday.
  8. The instructions for changing the combinations on the locks to that ministry's safes are so complicated that hardly anybody bothers.
  9. To defend occupying foreign territory on the ground that it helps protect illegally held territory "is a little too complicated," says Richard Moose former assistant secretary of state for Africa.
  10. Economic life is far more complicated than suggested by the myths of economic nationalists. Nor can a people can be mobilised for economic war, as American troops were mobilised for the desert.
  11. "What is a very simple task becomes very complicated" in Chapter 11, he says.
  12. Thomas Lambert, an attorney for Occidental, said the natural resources, chemical and food processing concern decided to settle "simply to avoid the expense of lengthy, complicated litigation."
  13. They said the loss of communications complicated efforts to assess the damage and casualties.
  14. Certainly, operating an adventure-travel company is proving more complicated than many new entrants think.
  15. Her attorney, Richard Bennett, said Mrs. LoCasto's explanation was "very complicated" and that he did not want to invade her privacy by talking about it.
  16. "No, our program isn't a be-all and an end-all," Bush said. "We're living in times of complicated resource allocation.
  17. We can now ship chemicals from Wales to Italy in an enormously less complicated way. 'The Maastricht treaty brings no specific cost benefit for businesses, therefore it has been less enthusiastically greeted.
  18. And while Meech Lake frequently was portrayed as French vs. English Canada _ which it was to some extent _ it was far more complicated.
  19. "They found some cars and one of them looked like hers," Adams said. "We're hoping for the best, but who knows?" Foppiana said the count had been complicated by the fact that some of the dead were never reported missing.
  20. The latest pricing was complicated by the uncertainty over the Persian Gulf crisis and generally bearish market conditions.
  21. While some funds already have changed their prospectuses to detail the high risk inherent to high-yield bond investing, the SEC suggestions go beyond these complicated and often hard-to-read explanatory documents.
  22. The issue of face-to-face talks between the bitter enemies has complicated the talks on implementing a truce and a U.N. peace plan.
  23. One measure was "vague and simplistic" because it was drawn too broadly, Mr. Bruce recalls, another "detailed and complicated."
  24. More complicated, he said, will be finding an accord on measures to bolster the security of the FHA insurance funds.
  25. The truth could be a bit more complicated. Direct Line currently absorbs only Pounds 155m of Royal Bank's capital, which is small in relation to shareholders' funds of Pounds 1.95bn.
  26. It would have to be a lot more complicated, but we've got the basis of research here that could take it into that area.
  27. The Venezuelan government's debt decision is complicated by domestic politicking, bankers said.
  28. The proposal is complicated by the fact that Cadnetix is itself attempting to effect a stock-swap acquisition of HHB Systems Inc. as well as another company.
  29. A spokesman wouldn't elaborate on the tax issues, saying they are too complicated to explain.
  30. There are taxis, buses and a complicated tube station that seems to promise dirt and danger rather than an easy and elegant entrance to London. The redevelopment proposals are from a joint venture put together by Greycoat Estates and London Transport.
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