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 complement ['kɒmplimәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 补足物, 补语, 补数

vt. 补充, 补足

[计] 补码; 反相器; 补数

[化] 补体

[医] 补体

  1. This wine complements the food perfectly.
  2. A wine is a complement to a good meal.
  3. His business skill complements her flair for design.

[ noun ]
  1. a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. a complete number or quantity

  4. <noun.quantity>
    a full complement
  5. number needed to make up a whole force

  6. <noun.group>
    a full complement of workers
  7. something added to complete or embellish or make perfect

  8. <noun.attribute>
    a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner
    wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish
  9. one of a series of enzymes in the blood serum that are part of the immune response

  10. <noun.substance>
  11. either of two parts that mutually complete each other

  12. <noun.cognition>
[ verb ]
  1. make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to

  2. <verb.change>
    I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup

Complement \Com"ple*ment\, n. [L. complementun: cf. F.
compl['e]ment. See {Complete}, v. t., and cf. {Compliment}.]
1. That which fills up or completes; the quantity or number
required to fill a thing or make it complete.

2. That which is required to supply a deficiency, or to
complete a symmetrical whole.

History is the complement of poetry. --Sir J.

3. Full quantity, number, or amount; a complete set;

To exceed his complement and number appointed him
which was one hundred and twenty persons. --Hakluyt.

4. (Math.) A second quantity added to a given quantity to
make it equal to a third given quantity.

5. Something added for ornamentation; an accessory. [Obs.]

Without vain art or curious complements. --Spenser.

6. (Naut.) The whole working force of a vessel.

7. (Mus.) The interval wanting to complete the octave; -- the
fourth is the complement of the fifth, the sixth of the

8. A compliment. [Obs.] --Shak.

{Arithmetical compliment of a logarithm}. See under

{Arithmetical complement of a number} (Math.), the difference
between that number and the next higher power of 10; as, 4
is the complement of 6, and 16 of 84.

{Complement of an arc} or {Complement of an angle} (Geom.),
the difference between that arc or angle and 90[deg].

{Complement of a parallelogram}. (Math.) See {Gnomon}.

{In her complement} (Her.), said of the moon when represented
as full.

Complement \Com"ple*ment\, v. t.
1. To supply a lack; to supplement. [R.]

2. To compliment. [Obs.] --Jer. Taylor.

  1. Dr Michael Merson, head of the WHO Aids programme, said yesterday the meeting would complement the 'top priority' US efforts to solve the mystery.
  2. Higher taxation of petrol could be a complement.
  3. The Selector UK fund is designed to complement Morgan Grenfell's existing tracker and income funds.
  4. "The actions requested in the agreement (with the Federal Reserve bank) are consistent with, and complement, our own efforts to strengthen Midlantic," Mr. Scheuring said in a statement.
  5. Rarely can two players complement each other so well as Olsen and Ms Friedman.
  6. Therefore, within the framework of the CSCE process, the negotiations on confidence and security-building measures form an essential complement to those on conventional stability.
  7. Pigman said the new campaign will complement Rotary's 3-year-old PolioPlus Program, which has been raising money with the goal of providing polio immunizations to the roughly 100 million children born anuually in developing nations.
  8. Few would disagree that military expertise is a necessary complement to civilian advice on the staff.
  9. A West German move would complement Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone's promise to order Japan's Finance Ministry and central bank to lower short-term interest rates.
  10. Pricing crowded airspace and requiring reasonable liability-insurance coverage would complement the FAA's current moves.
  11. The Hawaiian Punch purchase will complement P&G's fruit juice lines, which include Citrus Hill orange juice and Sunny Delight punch, she said.
  12. U.S. officials regard the 10-point Egyptian plan as a complement to Shamir's proposal for elections in which Palestinians would select representatives to negotiate with Israel on limited self-government in the occupied territories.
  13. Such a purchase, which could cost Sainsbury about Pounds 400m, would complement its Shaw's supermarkets division of 75 stores based in New England.
  14. Howard B. Wentz Jr., chairman, president and chief executive officer of New York-based Amstar Corp., was named a director of this producer and marketer of specialty chemicals and equipment, bringing the board to its full complement of 10.
  15. Entrepreneurs say much of Sony's success with small companies comes from selecting partners with business strategies that complement Sony's.
  16. Some state officials also see the service tax as a natural complement to the changes sweeping the Texas economy.
  17. The focus now, says Mr. Archibald, is on companies with annual sales in the $100 million to $300 million range that will complement Black & Decker's current business lines.
  18. It employs 7,300 in its eight subsidiaries. Begemann wants DWA to complement its operations.
  19. "I have never felt like I or anyone else can walk in his shoes. I can only follow and complement what he's already done.
  20. It added that the other firm's business would complement part of its operations.
  21. Network operators are increasingly anxious to make their services complement the fixed line, even to compete with it.
  22. It marks the biggest step of Sony's push into the "software" side of the entertainment business that will provide products such as movies and records to complement its stereos, televisions and videocassette recorders.
  23. 'On the whole OEM and our brand name business complement each other,' he says.
  24. The Marriott, Panama City's most comfortable hotel, was host to a corps of journalists and the usual complement of foreign travelers.
  25. "We expect to sell it with the full complement of costs it has," he asserted.
  26. Also, defense ministers from the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council met in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, to discuss a unified defense strategy to complement the U.S.-led military buildup in Saudi Arabia.
  27. The group now has retail networks in eight western states. Despite the addition of 2,900 employees as a result of the first-quarter acquisitions, the total staff complement of 55,100 is virtually unchanged from a year ago.
  28. Mannesmann Kienzle's marketing arm "will complement our channels of distribution," said John F. Smith, Digital's senior vice president for operations.
  29. "He was the perfect complement for August," says Robert Brandon, a former Anheuser-Busch marketing executive.
  30. There should be more reserve currencies "to complement the dollar's key role," he said.
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