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 compatible [kəm'pætəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 能共处的, 可并立的, 适合的

[计] 相容的; 兼容的

[医] 适合的, 相容的, 可配伍的

  1. Pertaining to a degree of standardization of computer system components to allow for combinations and large variety of compatible units.
  2. Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character.
  3. If compatible, then subtract them.

[ adj ]
  1. able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination

  2. <adj.all>
    a compatible married couple
    her deeds were compatible with her ideology
  3. capable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification

  4. <adj.all>
  5. capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction

  6. <adj.all>

Compatible \Com*pat"i*ble\, a. [F., fr. LL.compatibilis, fr. L.
compati. See {Compassion}.]
Capable of existing in harmony; congruous; suitable; not
repugnant; -- usually followed by with.

Our poets have joined together such qualities as are by
nature the most compatible. --Broome.

Syn: Consistent; suitable; agreeable; accordant.

  1. In addition, Intel Corp. and Chips and Technologies Inc. both said Tuesday they were working with IBM on developing sets of chips that other companies could use to make compatible add-on devices for the Micro Channel.
  2. We found that we were very compatible." But Stokes, a cabinetmaker, found hard economic times in Dublin, so he returned to Chicago in November.
  3. In December, the company announced it would offer new products compatible with industrywide standards.
  4. Cray's new machines will be built to be compatible with Sun machines, that is, they will run much existing Sun software, Mr. Ditzel said.
  5. Even though it can operate on International Business Machines Corp.'s PC AT and compatible microcomputers, it faces some major competitors, including Xerox Corp.'s Ventura.
  6. "Muscle cars just aren't compatible with safety," O'Neill said in his report.
  7. But the Court would not answer the question whether particular aspects of the Spanish rules were compatible with Community law as the question arose in proceedings concerning a Swiss national.
  8. With the EC's 'cantonisation' plan now off the agenda, Mr Vance and Lord Owen have given Mr Ahtisaari a free hand to broker any political solution compatible with the principles of the London conference.
  9. They insist they have learned some hard lessons from the company's disastrous 1983 foray into PCs with overpriced computers that weren't compatible with emerging standards.
  10. Its array of consumer products is compatible with E-II's lineup, which includes Samsonite luggage and Stiffel lamps.
  11. "The regulatory philosophies are very compatible, particularly in the accounting and auditing areas."
  12. Software for the Cyber 205, Control Data's aging first-generation supercomputer, will be compatible with ETA's machines.
  13. "We have two very talented and compatible executives and I feel I've done my duty in attracting them," he says.
  14. Although Apple disputes it, David Gish, president of Video Technology, contends that "It's been proven you can be compatible with Apple without infringing on patents or copyrights.
  15. Mr. Bradtmiller said Tandy's sales of computers compatible with International Business Machines Corp. models were up 28% in the quarter.
  16. Wheeler suggests: 'Mining is a compatible use of the land and fully in keeping with the US tradition of multiple use of our lands.' He also insists that his shareholders recognise that money spent on environmental actions is well-spent.
  17. The suit said Nintendo has equipped its machines for several years with a computer chip that allows the machines to accept only video game cartridges that have a compatible chip.
  18. Telerate said it has issued requests for proposals for the terminals and for development of software for the terminals, which would initially be personal computers compatible with those made by International Business Machines Corp.
  19. The market for 386 compatible chips is an attractive one for C&T because there are few competitors and profit margins are high.
  20. Above all, the ERT is surely sensible to argue that the creation of cheap low-tech jobs now is compatible with the creation of expensive high-tech ones later. Mr Delors' task is more complex.
  21. Dataquest Inc. estimated that Ventura Publisher had a 62 percent share last year of the market for desktop publishing on International Business Machines Corp.'s personal computers and compatible machines.
  22. A leukemia victim's search for a perfect bone marrow donor helped triple the number of potential donors in a national registry, but none of the 50,000 people who volunteered for blood tests were compatible.
  23. Advocates for people who are hearing impaired say a Federal Communications Commission proposal to require that more telephones be hearing-aid compatible does not go far enough.
  24. The Cupertino-based company was sued by a group of investors claiming fraud in connection with the promotion of a computer called "Lisa" and a compatible disc-drive, "Twiggy," in 1982 and 1983.
  25. Texas Instruments has an agreement with Chips & Technologies to make that company's chips that are compatible with Intel's 386 and 387 microprocessors.
  26. In February, the Bank of England noted that expectations of inflation had not yet adjusted to levels compatible with the 1 to 4 per cent target range for inflation. The message was hammered home last week by Mr King.
  27. "We have to cut down our standard of living to what's compatible with our indigenous economic base."
  28. At any rate manufacturing earnings are hardly compatible with the inflation miracle which the gilts market has been promising itself.
  29. For one thing, he says, "It was easier for me to justify to my management," now that Apple has introduced two models that can be modified to run programs written for IBM and compatible personal computers.
  30. It is also the first mainframe compatible with International Business Machines Corp. systems to use eight central processing units, topping IBM's six-way processor.
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