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 comparative anatomy 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 比较解剖学

    comparative anatomy
    [ noun ]
    the study of anatomical features of animals of different species

    Anatomy \A*nat"o*my\, n.; pl. {Anatomies}. [F. anatomie, L.
    anatomia, Gr. ? dissection, fr. ? to cut up; ? + ? to cut.]
    1. The art of dissecting, or artificially separating the
    different parts of any organized body, to discover their
    situation, structure, and economy; dissection.

    2. The science which treats of the structure of organic
    bodies; anatomical structure or organization.

    Let the muscles be well inserted and bound together,
    according to the knowledge of them which is given us
    by anatomy. --Dryden.

    Note: ``Animal anatomy'' is sometimes called {zomy};
    ``vegetable anatomy,'' {phytotomy}; ``human anatomy,''

    {Comparative anatomy} compares the structure of different
    kinds and classes of animals.

    3. A treatise or book on anatomy.

    4. The act of dividing anything, corporeal or intellectual,
    for the purpose of examining its parts; analysis; as, the
    anatomy of a discourse.

    5. A skeleton; anything anatomized or dissected, or which has
    the appearance of being so.

    The anatomy of a little child, representing all
    parts thereof, is accounted a greater rarity than
    the skeleton of a man in full stature. --Fuller.

    They brought one Pinch, a hungry, lean-faced
    A mere anatomy. --Shak.

    Comparative \Com*par"a*tive\, a. [L. comparativus: cf. F.
    1. Of or pertaining to comparison. ``The comparative
    faculty.'' --Glanvill.

    2. Proceeding from, or by the method of, comparison; as, the
    comparative sciences; the comparative anatomy.

    3. Estimated by comparison; relative; not positive or
    absolute, as compared with another thing or state.

    The recurrence of comparative warmth and cold.

    The bubble, by reason of its comparative levity to
    the fluid that incloses it, would necessarily ascend
    to the top. --Bentley.

    4. (Gram.) Expressing a degree greater or less than the
    positive degree of the quality denoted by an adjective or
    adverb. The comparative degree is formed from the positive
    by the use of -er, more, or less; as, brighter, more
    bright, or less bright.

    {Comparative sciences}, those which are based on a
    comprehensive comparison of the range of objects or facts
    in any branch or department, and which aim to study out
    and treat of the fundamental laws or systems of relation
    pervading them; as, {comparative anatomy}, {comparative
    physiology}, {comparative philology}.

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