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 columbo   添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 非洲防已

    [ noun ]
    any of various tall perennial herbs constituting the genus Frasera; widely distributed in warm dry upland areas of California, Oregon, and Washington

    Columbo \Co*lum"bo\, n. (Med.)
    See {Calumba}.

    Calumba \Ca*lum"ba\, n. [from kalumb, its native name in
    Mozambique.] (Med.)
    The root of a plant ({Jateorrhiza Calumba}, and probably
    {Cocculus palmatus}), indigenous in Mozambique. It has an
    unpleasantly bitter taste, and is used as a tonic and
    antiseptic. [Written also {colombo}, {columbo}, and

    {American calumba}, the {Frasera Carolinensis}, also called
    {American gentian}. Its root has been used in medicine as
    bitter tonic in place of calumba.

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