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 coloured ['kʌlɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有色的, 有...色的, 经过渲染的, 有色彩的, 伪装的, 有色人种的, 混血种的

n. 有色人种的人, 混血人

[计] 着色的

  1. The cock has brighter coloured feathers than the hen.
  2. The apricot coloured clothes look beautiful.
  3. The child coloured in all the shapes on the page with a crayon.

[ adj ]
  1. having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination

  2. <adj.all>
    colored crepe paper
    the film was in color
    amber-colored heads of grain
  3. favoring one person or side over another

  4. <adj.all>
    a biased account of the trial
    a decision that was partial to the defendant
  5. (used of color) artificially produced; not natural

  6. <adj.all>
    a bleached blonde
  7. having skin rich in melanin pigments

  8. <adj.all>
    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
    dark-skinned peoples

coloured \coloured\ adj.
same as {colored}. [Brit.]

Syn: colored, in color(predicate), colorful.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. The mixed-race or 'coloured' community came next.
  2. There is no way to communicate impaired or coloured judgment.
  3. In the town last week I handed Mr Sainsbury a set of 15 different brightly coloured advertising cards for call girls, on show in a nearby telephone kiosk.
  4. Though he is widely seen as one of Italy's men of the future, his immediate prospects are likely to be coloured by his strained relations with those of the past.
  5. McKay, who also reckons the coloured pictures in his Bible were not for preaching but for interior decoration, is not unsophisticated at all, but apt at detecting the state.
  6. Director John Doyle keeps the action moving at the speed of thought; the design is flexible and the costumes are a delight, all bold coloured Lycra with added ruffs and flounces. The small cast doubles as musicians.
  7. I had not at that time visited Japan, otherwise I would have seen Loch Lomond as a Zen garden, an oasis of serenity, carefully raked and dotted with coloured stones. This year I returned to Loch Lomond.
  8. Only 30 kilometres and the fast-flowing Piave river separate Stefanel, the Italian clothing group familiar for its brightly coloured knitwear, from Benetton, its bigger and better-known rival. The two have more than just local roots in common.
  9. The back of the programme has a picture of W G Grace and fellow cricketers in 1880, posing in coloured neck-scarves, caps, buckles and belts.
  10. Her views are coloured by the fact that her children are setting up home. Politics: last election voted Conservative. Suggested: 'Why doesn't he impose a departure tax for tourists leaving the country?
  11. Roast for 50-60 minutes at 350-375'F/180'-190'C (gas mark 4-5), turning the pudding once or twice so that the skin becomes crisp and well coloured all over. If serving it hot, let the cooked pudding stand for around five minutes before slicing.
  12. In 'A Farmhouse by a River', he is emulating his first tutor, JT 'Antiquity' Smith, borrowing the drawing master's looping pen and ink line and his taste for coloured tints.
  13. Most of this business takes place in trading pits during local working hours by men and women in brightly coloured jackets signalling prices to each other across the floor. Before Globex, futures trading stopped when markets closed.
  14. But, today, richly coloured velvet smoking jackets are to be seen in country house parties across the land, particularly in Scotland.
  15. But then how does one react to a movie that resembles a Jackson Pollock painting in which the coloured smears are real people?
  16. When Powell turned against coloured immigration, the friendship died. Some of Macleod's other likes and dislikes have no obvious explanation.
  17. There are lots of coloured people walking on the road, but not another paleface.
  18. Tokyo is considering an invitation from Beijing for Emperor Akihito to visit China this autumn. Japan's policies are also coloured by its dispute with Russia over territories seized by Soviet troops in 1945.
  19. One sort wants bright coloured clothes, the other wants clean rivers.
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