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 collide [kә'laid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 碰撞, 互撞, 抵触

  1. The ships collided in the fog.
  2. The bus and the van collided.
  3. The interests of the two countries collide.


Collide \Col*lide"\, v. t.
To strike or dash against. [Obs.]

Scintillations are . . . inflammable effluencies from
the bodies collided. --Sir T.

Collide \Col*lide"\, v. i. [L. collidere, collisum; col- +
laedere to strike. See {Lesion}.]
To strike or dash against each other; to come into collision;
to clash; as, the vessels collided; their interests collided.

Across this space the attraction urges them. They
collide, they recoil, they oscillate. --Tyndall.

No longer rocking and swaying, but clashing and
colliding. --Carlyle.

  1. Even with the no-checking rule, players collide in tussles for the puck.
  2. On a recent day, a middle manager at Northrop's electronics division in Hawthorne, Calif., asks the chairman what to do when two values collide.
  3. The sailors knew foul weather and treacherous seas probably would greet them off Cape Horn, where the Atlantic and Pacific oceans collide.
  4. Investigators said the single-engine Mooney M-20C was on the radar screen, but without altitude information the controller would not have known the two planes were about to collide.
  5. It would accelerate subatomic particles in opposite directions at speeds approaching the speed of light, then make them collide.
  6. McCanch said that he was trying to take pictures with a small camera when he saw the aircraft collide.
  7. Laboratory studies, Mr. Sternglass says, have shown that free radicals become more efficient cell destroyers at low radiation concentrations; at high concentrations, they collide and "deactivate" one another.
  8. "One is based on fear, on nuclear weapons _ it's unstable and it can take you to the brink in no time: two ships that collide in the Black Sea, two ladies who disagree and influence their husbands," he said.
  9. If the unwieldy contraptions collide and tip, or hit outriders, horses can tumble to the ground and competitors can get trampled.
  10. Nevertheless, Mr. McNealy contends that "it'll be awhile before we collide" with personal computer manufacturers in the market.
  11. Scientists would force the particles to collide in an attempt to break them down further to test theories about the building blocks of the universe.
  12. The vicious feud among the Shoens vividly illustrates the conflicts that can mangle family-run companies when generations collide.
  13. The first was for his historic mumblings and scratchings - that astonishing essay in downplaying that should not have worked but did - in On The Waterfront. Now the two men collide again in the bookshops.
  14. Given the sharp divisions in how the Republican and Democratic groups view the state of the nation, "two worlds are about to collide" in the election, Mr. Hart concludes.
  15. Gabbert said he saw the two cars collide on the shoulder of the highway in western Stanislaus County, east of San Francisco, and jump about 8 feet into the air.
  16. NEW YORK _ When the baseball and football seasons collide later this summer, Bo Jackson may wish life was more like his new Nike commercial.
  17. They'll have more to do with the human condition, where one truth can collide with another truth.
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