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 collection [kə'lɛkʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 收集, 采集, (一批)收藏品, 募捐

[医] 收集; 收集品, 标本

[经] 收款, 征收, 托收(代收)款项

  1. There are two collections a day from this letter box.
  2. You are invited to view our autumn collection.
  3. She selected a diamond ring from the collection.

[ noun ]
  1. several things grouped together or considered as a whole

  2. <noun.group>
  3. a publication containing a variety of works

  4. <noun.communication>
  5. request for a sum of money

  6. <noun.communication>
    an appeal to raise money for starving children
  7. the act of gathering something together

  8. <noun.act>

Collection \Col*lec"tion\, n. [L. collectio: cf. F. collection.]
1. The act or process of collecting or of gathering; as, the
collection of specimens.

2. That which is collected; as:
(a) A gathering or assemblage of objects or of persons.
``A collection of letters.'' --Macaulay.
(b) A gathering of money for charitable or other purposes,
as by passing a contribution box for freewill
offerings. ``The collection for the saints.'' --1 Cor.
xvi. 1
(c) (Usually in pl.) That which is obtained in payment of
(d) An accumulation of any substance. ``Collections of
moisture.'' --Whewell. ``A purulent collection.''

3. The act of inferring or concluding from premises or
observed facts; also, that which is inferred. [Obs.]

We may safely say thus, that wrong collections have
been hitherto made out of those words by modern
divines. --Milton.

4. The jurisdiction of a collector of excise. [Eng.]

Syn: Gathering; assembly; assemblage; group; crowd;
congregation; mass; heap; compilation.

  1. The collection, in Hillsboro, N.H., is officially known as Kemp's Mack Museum.
  2. Taxpayers placed $36 billion in California's state coffers, the largest collection reported.
  3. The collection of letters from John Wayne Gacy, David Berkowitz, Charles Manson and Hitler brought $700.
  4. The starting point was his own priceless collection of scores, bolstered by his purchase of the Stravinsky estate in 1983.
  5. The alternative is to increase treatment of that already collected and not extend collection services,' he explains. 'The problem is that resources are always scarce and environmental demands are always limitless.
  6. He or she is billed to appeal to all ages and the illusions relate to pictures in the collection.
  7. The clamour for legislative action, or for a change in court procedures for the collection of debt, is increasing. The administration of VAT.
  8. Banks reopened, a trickle of mail was delivered and trash collection resumed in this hurricane-battered city Monday, but a cold downpour hindered efforts to restore power and worsened damage to roofless homes.
  9. The 34-year-old musician's current collection includes some old African and Guatemalan instruments that have bulbous gourds for resonators, and a new model he is building that is decorated with turquoise stones and a colored sand painting.
  10. Next spring, Claiborne is introducing a line of "fashion athletic shoes" that coordinate with a collection of Claiborne clothes.
  11. MCI said that without long-distance carriers' billing and collection services, adult 900 services will have to provide their own billing services through other arrangements, such as third-party billing services.
  12. Wilder would not disclose the value of his art collection.
  13. Dukakis, who has said he would entertain tax increases only as a last resort, claimed tougher tax collection could bring in up to $50 billion a year from cheats and scofflaws without overburdening honest taxpayers.
  14. That reflected a higher level of concern about garbage collection than for providing affordable housing or expanding police and fire protection, said Allen Moore, president of the trade group that represents waste disposal industry.
  15. It is no longer a collection of familiar objects understood by you but a pattern of shapes and shades which have no purpose other than to defy your efforts to describe them.
  16. When it came to gams, Cathy Hardwick's collection was the leggiest of the lot.
  17. When there was outcry in Tulsa over Occidental's acquisition of Cities Service Co., the collection came for a visit.
  18. Len Singleton, who is serving time for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, wrote a letter to Sheriff Simon Leis Jr., asking permission to organize a collection among the inmates.
  19. In the village, a much-shelled collection of mud-brick ruins long since abandoned by civilians, uniformed mujahedeen sat atop tanks and armored personnel carriers, waving banners and chanting in Farsi: "Today Mehran, tomorrow Tehran."
  20. The first Chrysler Museum was in Provincetown, Mass. In 1970, Chrysler agreed to move the collection to Norfolk after the city offered to rename its museum for him and add a wing, as well as naming a concert hall at Scope for him.
  21. Virginia Bell, who came to Tuesday's auction from Martin's River, Nova Scotia, bought four pairs of gold and silver evening shoes to add to her collection of 600 pairs.
  22. The American Collectors Association, a trade group of more than 3,500 collection agencies, lists mainly consumer debt.
  23. The 15,000-square-foot building in a decaying neighborhood is too small to display more than about 1 percent of its million-artifact collection at a time, so most of the objects have languished in a Bronx warehouse.
  24. The museum has the largest collection of works by the impressionist, who lived from 1853 to 1890.
  25. Everything in this understated collection was wearable and chic.
  26. Symbols of the nation's steadily rising drive to reuse can be seen on most any street: neatly tied bundles of old newspapers and bags of used clothes are regularly piled on sidewalks for collection.
  27. Those tactics included intelligence collection and electronic countermeasures, he said.
  28. Regulators also ordered the bank to "implement a written program, designed to improve and strengthen collection efforts," and to involve board members more closely in loan decisions.
  29. George, as chairman of the student deacons, got to escort the secretary to the podium, in addition to his regular duties of checking attendance and taking up the collection.
  30. Frequently they apply only to one or two member states, sometimes to a specific industry. The most obvious example is the 'transitional' system for collection and administration of value added tax (VAT).
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