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 cold [kold]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 感冒, 寒冷

a. 寒冷的, 冷淡的, 冷静的

ad. 完全地

[医] 寒冷的; 感冒, 伤风

  1. He caught a cold.
  2. It's cold today, you should put a coat on.
  3. When he asked her to marry him, she refused him cold.

[ noun ]
  1. a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs)

  2. <noun.state>
    will they never find a cure for the common cold?
  3. the absence of heat

  4. <noun.attribute>
    the coldness made our breath visible
    come in out of the cold
    cold is a vasoconstrictor
  5. the sensation produced by low temperatures

  6. <noun.cognition>
    he shivered from the cold
    the cold helped clear his head
[ adj ]
  1. having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration

  2. <adj.all>
    a cold climate
    a cold room
    dinner has gotten cold
    cold fingers
    if you are cold, turn up the heat
    a cold beer
  3. extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion

  4. <adj.all>
    a cold unfriendly nod
    a cold and unaffectionate person
    a cold impersonal manner
    cold logic
    the concert left me cold
  5. having lost freshness through passage of time

  6. <adj.all>
    a cold trail
    dogs attempting to catch a cold scent
  7. (color) giving no sensation of warmth

  8. <adj.all>
    a cold bluish grey
  9. marked by errorless familiarity

  10. <adj.all>
    had her lines cold before rehearsals started
  11. lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new

  12. <adj.all>
    moth-eaten theories about race
    stale news
  13. so intense as to be almost uncontrollable

  14. <adj.all>
    cold fury gripped him
  15. sexually unresponsive

  16. <adj.all>
    was cold to his advances
    a frigid woman
  17. without compunction or human feeling

  18. <adj.all>
    in cold blood
    cold-blooded killing
    insensate destruction
  19. feeling or showing no enthusiasm

  20. <adj.all>
    a cold audience
    a cold response to the new play
  21. unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication

  22. <adj.all>
    the boxer was out cold
    pass out cold
  23. of a seeker; far from the object sought

  24. <adj.all>
  25. lacking the warmth of life

  26. <adj.all>
    cold in his grave

Cold \Cold\, n.
1. The relative absence of heat or warmth.

2. The sensation produced by the escape of heat; chilliness
or chillness.

When she saw her lord prepared to part,
A deadly cold ran shivering to her heart. --Dryden.

3. (Med.) A morbid state of the animal system produced by
exposure to cold or dampness; a catarrh.

{Cold sore} (Med.), a vesicular eruption appearing about the
mouth as the result of a cold, or in the course of any
disease attended with fever.

{To leave one out in the cold}, to overlook or neglect him.

Cold \Cold\ (k[=o]ld), a. [Compar. {Colder} (-[~e]r); superl.
{Coldest}.] [OE. cold, cald, AS. cald, ceald; akin to OS.
kald, D. koud, G. kalt, Icel. kaldr, Dan. kold, Sw. kall,
Goth. kalds, L. gelu frost, gelare to freeze. Orig. p. p. of
AS. calan to be cold, Icel. kala to freeze. Cf. {Cool}, a.,
{Chill}, n.]
1. Deprived of heat, or having a low temperature; not warm or
hot; gelid; frigid. ``The snowy top of cold Olympis.''

2. Lacking the sensation of warmth; suffering from the
absence of heat; chilly; shivering; as, to be cold.

3. Not pungent or acrid. ``Cold plants.'' --Bacon

4. Wanting in ardor, intensity, warmth, zeal, or passion;
spiritless; unconcerned; reserved.

A cold and unconcerned spectator. --T. Burnet.

No cold relation is a zealous citizen. --Burke.

5. Unwelcome; disagreeable; unsatisfactory. ``Cold news for
me.'' ``Cold comfort.'' --Shak.

6. Wanting in power to excite; dull; uninteresting.

What a deal of cold business doth a man misspend the
better part of life in! --B. Jonson.

The jest grows cold . . . when in comes on in a
second scene. --Addison.

7. Affecting the sense of smell (as of hunting dogs) but
feebly; having lost its odor; as, a cold scent.

8. Not sensitive; not acute.

Smell this business with a sense as cold
As is a dead man's nose. --Shak.

9. Distant; -- said, in the game of hunting for some object,
of a seeker remote from the thing concealed.

10. (Paint.) Having a bluish effect. Cf. {Warm}, 8.

{Cold abscess}. See under {Abscess}.

{Cold blast} See under {Blast}, n., 2.

{Cold blood}. See under {Blood}, n., 8.

{Cold chill}, an ague fit. --Wright.

{Cold chisel}, a chisel of peculiar strength and hardness,
for cutting cold metal. --Weale.

{Cold cream}. See under {Cream}.

{Cold slaw}. See {Cole slaw}.

{In cold blood}, without excitement or passion; deliberately.

He was slain in cold blood after the fight was over.
--Sir W.

{To give one the cold shoulder}, to treat one with neglect.

Syn: Gelid; bleak; frigid; chill; indifferent; unconcerned;
passionless; reserved; unfeeling; stoical.

Cold \Cold\, v. i.
To become cold. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

  1. Development of the winter wheat crop is about two weeks ahead of schedule because of unseasonably warm and wet weather to this point, and is now particularly vulnerable to a cold snap, analysts said.
  2. I don't want to ennoble it too much, but it's about the strength of humanity of this woman as opposed to the cold, inhumane aspect of the law that said she shouldn't help anybody, under those circumstances.
  3. Dwindling U.S. stockpiles, looming cold weather and a British warning of a Persian Gulf conflagration combined to drive oil prices back over $40 a barrel Thursday to a new record close in hectic futures trading.
  4. Florida's rich citrus growing region reported minor crop damage after the second night of record cold.
  5. And after a blast of unseasonably cold weather, the hard edges of ice sculptures decorating Boston as part of its 14th annual First Night festivities got rounded off Sunday under an untimely drizzle.
  6. The record cold air that stunned Alaska swept into the lower 48 states Tuesday, dropping temperatures in Montana by more than 70 degrees in less than a day, and the weather system keeping Alaska cold intensified to a North American record.
  7. The record cold air that stunned Alaska swept into the lower 48 states Tuesday, dropping temperatures in Montana by more than 70 degrees in less than a day, and the weather system keeping Alaska cold intensified to a North American record.
  8. Woerner, former German defense minister, led off the outdoor celebrations at NATO headquarters on an unseasonably cold day in Brussels.
  9. But for hot-weather eating, the dish can be served cold equally well.
  10. Orange juice futures prices fell sharply; heating oil futures posted fresh gains as the nation's record-setting cold spell continued; precious metals advanced; livestock and meat futures were mixed; and grains and soybeans were mixed.
  11. Even Southern California stayed cold today with lows of 28 in the Los Angeles enclave of Burbank, 25 up the coast at Santa Barbara, and 6 in Lancaster, north of Los Angeles over the San Gabriel Mountains.
  12. Hoover & Strong vice president Dan Pharr said he was unfamiliar with "cold fusion" research and "I wouldn't know how to comment one way or the other."
  13. It's very cold and the snow and fog are making it even more difficult,' he said.
  14. Her wonderful portrait of the ambitious Marion is cold, astringent and deadly accurate.
  15. He told Soviet and foreign correspondents gathered in a cold mist on the steps of the building that he voted "for a candidate who was nominated." "This is a secret ballot," he reminded them.
  16. "In the new year, may the only cold war in the world be the one being fought by us," say the ads for the antihistamine and nasal decongestant.
  17. Members find it easy to doctor legislation by slipping in special provisions that could never survive in the cold light of day.
  18. In a rundown West Texas bar called the Sundowner Recreational Club, dreams go down as easy as a cold bottle of Pearl Beer and are just as intoxicating.
  19. Banks reopened, a trickle of mail was delivered and trash collection resumed in this hurricane-battered city Monday, but a cold downpour hindered efforts to restore power and worsened damage to roofless homes.
  20. As the cold war ebbs, routine, maintenance-related dispatches on the presidential hot line are becoming more informal, said Tom Brothers, manager of the Fort Detrick earth station.
  21. Says David Doubilet, an underwater photographer for National Geographic magazine: "Sharks, to be quite honest, are cold fish."
  22. But "it's cold comfort to be No. 1 with the big slide in assets," says John Keefe, an analyst at Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc., New York.
  23. Foreign money has found ready takers because Wall Street has run hot and cold on the industry, though U.S. investors in recent months have shown renewed faith in biotechnolgy.
  24. Much of the land on which sugar-beet was to be grown remained wet and cold far longer than normal.
  25. The rain developed ahead of a cold front pushing across Oklahoma and Texas.
  26. But the fear of one was enough to justify the alliance in the eyes of its members. With the end of the cold war and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, that is no longer the case.
  27. Bethel reported a record low of 30 degrees below zero, with wind chill readings as cold as 70 below zero.
  28. And even during the cold war, Bunche had at least three major successes to his name.
  29. The road now carries travelers on a rugged five-hour journey in the shadow of the Andes' majestic spine, across the barren and cold altiplano and skirting volcanic cones.
  30. At its heart is a cold perfection, a sense of deliberate disengagement which holds the reader at arm's length.
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