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 coincide [,kәuin'said]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 一致, 符合

[化] 重合

  1. They didn't coincide in opinion.
  2. The demonstration had been carefully stage-managed to coincide with the Prime Minister's visit.
    这次示威活动事先作了精心安排, 正好在首相访问时进行.
  3. My ideas coincide with his.


Coincide \Co`in*cide"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Coincided}; p. pr.
& vb. n. {Coinciding}.] [L. co- + incidere to fall on; in +
cadere to fall: cf. F. co["i]ncider. See {Chance}, n.]
1. To occupy the same place in space, as two equal triangles,
when placed one on the other.

If the equator and the ecliptic had coincided, it
would have rendered the annual revoluton of the
earth useless. --Cheyne.

2. To occur at the same time; to be contemporaneous; as, the
fall of Granada coincided with the discovery of America.

3. To correspond exactly; to agree; to concur; as, our aims

The rules of right jugdment and of good
ratiocination often coincide with each other.

  1. The Peoria portion is tentatively scheduled to coincide with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's visit to the United States this spring.
  2. That made it likely that the announcement would coincide with the board's annual National Forum, scheduled Oct. 31-Nov.
  3. News of the Stanford experiment was to be released Sept. 23 to coincide with formal publication of the full scientific details in Science, the weekly journal.
  4. The show, officially titled the Soviet Export Goods Exhibition, initially was scheduled to begin Dec. 14, but was hastily rescheduled to Dec. 8 to coincide with Gorbachev's visit to New York.
  5. The expansion of the one-price program will coincide with Ford's introduction of the 1993 Escorts in May. It isn't clear whether the new models will have the same $9,999 price as the current Escorts.
  6. Unfortunately, Mr. Williams's recollections don't coincide with his actions as documented.
  7. Nearly 4,000 Hispanics were sworn in as U.S. citizens Saturday in an emotional ceremony timed to coincide with local celebrations of Mexico's Independence Day.
  8. If all goes well, the hall's opening date would roughly coincide with the opening of the proposed stadium and arena.
  9. He needed the time to revamp his U.S. travel plans so that they would coincide with the company's five annual board meetings.
  10. I would hope that we could do it around the time that would coincide with the normal harvest," he said.
  11. The Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange launched trading in cocoa futures yesterday to coincide with the date 8-8-88, which many Chinese and others in Malaysia believe brings great prosperity.
  12. Dedication ceremonies tomorrow at the interchange near Erath, La., will coincide with the opening of trading.
  13. The Chicago Board of Trade is scheduled April 30 to begin evening trading of Treasury bond and note futures and futures options to coincide with morning trading of U.S. Treasury securities in Tokyo.
  14. The strike was called to coincide with today's celebration of the Orthodox Christian Christmas.
  15. 'This will coincide with Petrotrin's divestment of the government's two-thirds shareholding in the Trinidad and Tobago Marine Company, which produces from offshore wells.
  16. For this reason, West German political leaders are trying to make their country's resurgence coincide with moves to enhance the power and cohesiveness of the 12-nation European Community.
  17. A week-long Belgian food festival begins on Monday to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Brussels.
  18. The evening sessions coincide with morning cash bond trading in Tokyo, and the Sunday session will coincide with the Monday opening there.
  19. The evening sessions coincide with morning cash bond trading in Tokyo, and the Sunday session will coincide with the Monday opening there.
  20. Both events will make the government's life more difficult. A referendum on EU membership is set to take place in June - the favoured date is June 12 to coincide with Europe-wide elections to the European parliament.
  21. In Vietnam, the military version of events often did not coincide with the facts.
  22. Rebels in northern Ethiopia claimed Tuesday they had repulsed an army offensive timed to coincide with the current African summit in Addis Ababa, killing or wounding more than 9,000 soldiers in 11 days.
  23. The Disney-owned KCAL had scheduled a 13-week run of the cartoons to coincide with Disney's release last month of the "Dick Tracy" movie.
  24. A new leaflet was distributed throughout the occupied territories, setting out a plan for Palestinian resistance to coincide with this week's visit of Secretary of State George P. Shultz.
  25. Genentech claimed Smithkline's ads and promotional materials aim to mislead cardiologists into believing ISIS-3 is a "head-to-head comparison," and are "carefully timed" to coincide with the cardiologists' meeting.
  26. Sununu said he expected Bush to make a statement to coincide with Monday's anti-abortion demonstration in Washington to mark the anniversary of the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.
  27. Mr. Reagan, in an announcement timed to coincide with today's celebration of Veterans Day, told leaders of veterans' groups that he supports legislation pending in Congress to turn the Veterans Administration into an agency in the cabinet.
  28. The exam will coincide with Fahd's official state visit to the United States, Weiland said Wednesday night.
  29. The dietary recommendations of the National Heart Institute are modest ones that coincide with those of the National Cancer Institute as the best way to reduce one's chances of both heart disease and cancer.
  30. In addition, the Japanese automakers are concerned that the FTC's latest inquiries coincide with reports that the Bush administration is considering extending the reach of U.S. antitrust laws to foreign jurisdictions.
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