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 coherence [ko'hɪrəns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 黏合(性), 连贯性, 一致性

[化] 相干性

[医] 联接, 连贯; 内聚性, 内聚力

  1. I think the technique fights coherence.
  2. The present paper is exclusively devoted to coherence.
  3. Recipe names are now in the format+ for more coherence.
    • 配方名称的排版现在更加的一致。

[ noun ]
  1. the state of cohering or sticking together

  2. <noun.state>
  3. logical and orderly and consistent relation of parts

  4. <noun.attribute>

Coherence \Co*her"ence\, Coherency \Co*her"en*cy\, n. [L.
cohaerentia: cf. F. coh['e]rence.]
1. A sticking or cleaving together; union of parts of the
same body; cohesion.

2. Connection or dependence, proceeding from the
subordination of the parts of a thing to one principle or
purpose, as in the parts of a discourse, or of a system of
philosophy; a logical and orderly and consistent relation
of parts; consecutiveness.

Coherence of discourse, and a direct tendency of all
the parts of it to the argument in hand, are most
eminently to be found in him. --Locke.

3. the state of cohering.

Syn: cohesion, cohesiveness.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. GEC has already collected most of rival defence electronics supplier Ferranti; GKN has bought Westland; now BAe and GEC are seeking to secure their position in naval engineering. At first sight some of these mergers lack coherence.
  2. Other departments would be reorganised between the two sites to provide the best clinical coherence. In deciding to retain both hospitals, board members are certain to have taken account of their relatively low site values.
  3. Forget about cross-functional collaboration, corporate coherence and all other such modern management fashions.
  4. It has also tried to introduce some coherence and progression, but as we now know from Sir Ron, it failed.' Her first problem was that the curriculum was installed in fragments.
  5. This is an effective narrative device, and lends shape and coherence to the account. But both books contain serious weaknesses.
  6. Your writer might conclude that a movement supported by Republicans, black Moslems and socialists lacks sufficient coherence to be a political force despite its apparent support in those states' governments.
  7. To achieve some coherence, a separate national organisation was set up, based in Rome. This controls the political activity of the party and its candidates, and leaves the clubs with social and support functions rather like a new string of rotary clubs.
  8. One way of introducing a little more coherence might be by some form of hypothecated or earmarked taxes, designated for specific public services.
  9. A tide of history is flowing, a conservative surge that has allowed a coherence of policy over time among the three principal North Atlantic nations, a coherence unknown since the grand alliance of World War II.
  10. A tide of history is flowing, a conservative surge that has allowed a coherence of policy over time among the three principal North Atlantic nations, a coherence unknown since the grand alliance of World War II.
  11. They expect the forthcoming battle over Europe to provide the opportunity, by widening the net of discontent on the back benches and rebuilding the illusion of unity and intellectual coherence on the right.
  12. They have given purpose, morality and social coherence to people's lives.
  13. This is because its most trumpeted purpose, the creation of 'corporate coherence' towards customers in continental Europe, proved 'a bit ahead of its time', says Gazard.
  14. I was in the midst of a whirlwind panorama of violence and mystery, of tragedy and divine frenzy that mocked every effort at coherence."
  15. It lacks structure, coherence and purpose.
  16. It is one of Mr. Schama's chief accomplishments in this learned and humane volume that he has been able to preserve this sense of allegiance to conflicting imperatives without losing sight of the overall coherence of Dutch culture.
  17. That hope looks increasingly forlorn, with little coherence in the commission's recommendations and continuing ministerial interference in its work.
  18. If our common approach to the East over the years has given coherence to our message of peace and world freedom, it has been our unwavering commitment to defend ourselves that has given it credibility.
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