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 coffin joint 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 舟关节(马)

    Coffin \Cof"fin\ (?; 115), n. [OE., a basket, receptacle, OF.
    cofin, fr. L. cophinus. See {Coffer}, n.]
    1. The case in which a dead human body is inclosed for

    They embalmed him [Joseph], and he was put in a
    coffin. --Gen. 1. 26.

    2. A basket. [Obs.] --Wyclif (matt. xiv. 20).

    3. A casing or crust, or a mold, of pastry, as for a pie.

    Of the paste a coffin I will rear. --Shak.

    4. A conical paper bag, used by grocers. [Obs.] --Nares.

    5. (Far.) The hollow crust or hoof of a horse's foot, below
    the coronet, in which is the coffin bone.

    {Coffin bone}, the foot bone of the horse and allied animals,
    inclosed within the hoof, and corresponding to the third
    phalanx of the middle finger, or toe, of most mammals.

    {Coffin joint}, the joint next above the coffin bone.

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