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 coast [kost]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 海岸, 滑坡

vt. 沿海岸而行

vi. 沿海岸而行

[电] 海岸

  1. Fishing boats were anchored all along the coast.
  2. The disabled ship coasted the island, looking for a harbor.
  3. Spray slaps the coast ceaselessly.

[ noun ]
  1. the shore of a sea or ocean

  2. <noun.object>
  3. a slope down which sleds may coast

  4. <noun.object>
    when it snowed they made a coast on the golf course
  5. the area within view

  6. <noun.cognition>
    the coast is clear
  7. the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it

  8. <noun.act>
    his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill
    the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope
[ verb ]
  1. move effortlessly; by force of gravity

  2. <verb.motion>

Coast \Coast\ (k[=o]st), n. [OF. coste, F. c[^o]te, rib, hill,
shore, coast, L. costa rib, side. Cf. {Accost}, v. t.,
1. The side of a thing. [Obs.] --Sir I. Newton.

2. The exterior line, limit, or border of a country; frontier
border. [Obs.]

From the river, the river Euphrates, even to the
uttermost sea, shall your coast be. --Deut. xi.

3. The seashore, or land near it.

He sees in English ships the Holland coast.

We the Arabian coast do know
At distance, when the species blow. --Waller.

{The coast is clear}, the danger is over; no enemy in sight.
--Dryden. Fig.: There are no obstacles. ``Seeing that the
coast was clear, Zelmane dismissed Musidorus.'' --Sir P.

{Coast guard}.
(a) A body of men originally employed along the coast to
prevent smuggling; now, under the control of the
admiralty, drilled as a naval reserve. [Eng.]
(b) The force employed in life-saving stations along the
seacoast. [U. S.]

{Coast rat} (Zo["o]l.), a South African mammal ({Bathyergus
suillus}), about the size of a rabbit, remarkable for its
extensive burrows; -- called also {sand mole}.

{Coast waiter}, a customhouse officer who superintends the
landing or shipping of goods for the coast trade. [Eng.]

Coast \Coast\, v. t.
1. To draw near to; to approach; to keep near, or by the side
of. [Obs.] --Hakluyt.

2. To sail by or near; to follow the coast line of.

Nearchus, . . . not knowing the compass, was fain to
coast that shore. --Sir T.

3. To conduct along a coast or river bank. [Obs.]

The Indians . . . coasted me along the river.

Coast \Coast\ (k[=o]st), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Coasted}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Coasting}.] [OE. costien, costeien, costen, OF.
costier, costoier, F. c[^o]toyer, fr. Of. coste coast, F.
c[^o]te. See {Coast}, n.]
1. To draw or keep near; to approach. [Obs.]

Anon she hears them chant it lustily,
And all in haste she coasteth to the cry. --Shak.

2. To sail by or near the shore.

The ancients coasted only in their navigation.

3. To sail from port to port in the same country.

4. [Cf. OF. coste, F. c[^o]te, hill, hillside.] To slide down
hill; to slide on a sled, upon snow or ice. [Local, U. S.]

  1. They try hard." Mrs. Child and her husband of 41 years, Paul, divide their time between Massachusetts and Montecito, in the Santa Barbara area along the Southern California coast.
  2. A coast guard helicopter plucked four men from the sea, two crewmen from the Majestic and two from the Mystic who had dived in to try to help their friends.
  3. The thud of exploding shells and whooshing sound of rockets echoed across Beirut as Syrian gunners opened up on the Christian-controlled coast north of the capital.
  4. Even Southern California stayed cold today with lows of 28 in the Los Angeles enclave of Burbank, 25 up the coast at Santa Barbara, and 6 in Lancaster, north of Los Angeles over the San Gabriel Mountains.
  5. At the Korsnas pulp mill at Gavle on the Swedish east coast, they boast that the problem of industrial waste has almost been solved.
  6. By today, the winds had dropped by nearly half and the Brisbane Weather Office said the storm was no longer a major threat to coast communities.
  7. Smaller spills were reported off the south coast, where most tourists stay.
  8. Seas, as the Marines learned during recent exercises along the gulf coast, can experience waves up to 15 feet.
  9. It said the temblor, which hit at 10:22 a.m., was centered 31 miles underground in the Pacific Ocean about 8 miles off the east coast of Chiba state, or about 29 miles east of Tokyo.
  10. To make sure enough people know about it, the company is running advertisements coast to coast in major legal publications such as the National Law Journal, the ABA Journal, Texas Lawyer and California Lawyer.
  11. To make sure enough people know about it, the company is running advertisements coast to coast in major legal publications such as the National Law Journal, the ABA Journal, Texas Lawyer and California Lawyer.
  12. Dismantling the Green Line would be the first step toward the creation of a militia-free "Greater Beirut" extending 22 miles along the Mediterranean coast and covering the capital's nearby suburbs at the foothills of the central mountains.
  13. Fishermen alerted the coast guard, who called in scientists from the Oman Marine Science Center.
  14. Chung was to visit Pyongyang in April for talks on joint ventures with the north, which include a resort development in North Korea's Diamond Mountains on the east coast.
  15. Pentagon sources announced a practice assault on the Arabian coast.
  16. Showers and thunderstorms also extended from southeast Louisiana across the Florida Panhandle and along the Florida coast.
  17. The three-day freeze, which ruined much of the south Texas citrus crop and dumped snow on Houston, killed thousands of fish along the Texas coast.
  18. The U.S. ships were in Lisbon during a break from NATO exercises off the Portuguese coast and slated to leave Oct. 20.
  19. The other 15 landed in the water near the China coast or crashed after the crews bailed out, according to an official War Department report of the mission.
  20. Robles said the 150 to 300 miners were trapped at the privately-owned Sol de Oro gold mine near Nazca, on the Pacific coast 230 miles south of Lima.
  21. Many of those families spent summers along the Maine coast, said Allan A. Swenson of Kennebunk, an AFIO chapter director who was involved in military and civilian intelligence.
  22. Alvarez Acevedo said the few hotels along the coast around La Rivera had not been evacuated.
  23. Atri, a town of 12,000 people, is located near the Adriatic coast, about 90 miles northeast of Rome.
  24. Off the coast of Israel, the search was called off for the last of 21 bodies of U.S. troops killed in the sinking Saturday of an Israeli ferry.
  25. Its center was 750 miles southwest of the Cape Verde islands off the coast of Africa.
  26. The Haitians, who told officials they had spent 15 days on the boat, were rescued Friday after it ran onto rocks off the coast of Grassy Key near Marathon, the Coast Guard said.
  27. Tales of pirate attacks off the coast of Thailand and the hazards of crossing long stretches of open sea to reach the Philippines are further reasons for charting a course to the British colony.
  28. The subcommittee launched an investigation of the federal government's handling of Great Lakes spills in the wake of the March 24 Exxon Valdez disaster off the Alaskan coast.
  29. Flo was first spotted last January off the coast of Maui and is identified by her unique tail pattern.
  30. I'm here to give a little encouragement to a courageous man." The weather cleared enough by midmorning for a 15-minute helicopter tour of the coast.
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