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 clothes [kloz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 衣服

  1. Old people need warm clothes in winter.
  2. Hang the clothes on the line.
  3. Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.

[ noun ]
clothing in general
she was refined in her choice of apparelhe always bought his clothes at the same store
fastidious about his dress

Cloth \Cloth\ (kl[o^]th; 115), n.; pl. {Cloths} (kl[o^][th]z;
115), except in the sense of garments, when it is {Clothes}
(kl[=o]thz or kl[=o]z). [OE. clath cloth, AS. cl[=a][thorn]
cloth, garment; akin to D. kleed, Icel. kl[ae][eth]i, Dan.
kl[ae]de, cloth, Sw. kl["a]de, G. kleid garment, dress.]
1. A fabric made of fibrous material (or sometimes of wire,
as in wire cloth); commonly, a woven fabric of cotton,
woolen, or linen, adapted to be made into garments;
specifically, woolen fabrics, as distinguished from all

2. The dress; raiment. [Obs.] See {Clothes}.

I'll ne'er distust my God for cloth and bread.

3. The distinctive dress of any profession, especially of the
clergy; hence, the clerical profession.

Appeals were made to the priesthood. Would they
tamely permit so gross an insult to be offered to
their cloth? --Macaulay.

The cloth, the clergy, are constituted for
administering and for giving the best possible
effect to . . . every axiom. --I. Taylor.

{Body cloth}. See under {Body}.

{Cloth of gold}, a fabric woven wholly or partially of
threads of gold.

{Cloth measure}, the measure of length and surface by which
cloth is measured and sold. For this object the standard
yard is usually divided into quarters and nails.

{Cloth paper}, a coarse kind of paper used in pressing and
finishing woolen cloth. -- Cloth

{shearer}, one who shears cloth and frees it from superfluous

Clothes \Clothes\ (kl[=o][th]z or kl[=o]z; 277), n. pl. [From
1. Covering for the human body; dress; vestments; vesture; --
a general term for whatever covering is worn, or is made
to be worn, for decency or comfort.

She . . . speaks well, and has excellent good
clothes. --Shak.

If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.
--Mark. v. 28.

2. The covering of a bed; bedclothes.

She turned each way her frighted head,
Then sunk it deep beneath the clothes. --Prior.

{Body clothes}. See under {Body}.

{Clothes moth} (Zo["o]l.), a small moth of the genus {Tinea}.
The most common species ({Tinea flavifrontella}) is
yellowish white. The larv[ae] eat woolen goods, furs,
feathers, etc. They live in tubular cases made of the
material upon which they feed, fastened together with

Syn: Garments; dress; clothing; apparel; attire; vesture;
raiment; garb; costume; habit; habiliments.

  1. Witnesses have identified members of these squads as prominent members of the ruling party or security force personnel in civilian clothes, it said.
  2. Partly as a result of the emergency imports, which included razor blades, soap, winter boots and clothes, the Soviet Union posted a trade deficit last year for the first time in 14 years.
  3. His clothes caught the eye of the fussy and discriminating Chambre Syndicale, which in 1988 unanimously elected him a member of the ready-to-wear branch.
  4. We wear different clothes now and don't fish with spears."
  5. The one flame red cotton poplin dress with balloon sleeves was a standout among all the sober clothes.
  6. A rubber hose carries water from the street to a courtyard, where residents squat on a common brick floor in the open to wash their clothes, cooking utensils and themselves.
  7. Fashion-lovers can view clothes from aristocratic closets of the revolutionary period in the Musee de la Mode et du Costume, Palais Galliera, until May 7.
  8. As lifestyles and fashions changed over the years, Barbie's clothes and accessories kept pace.
  9. Next spring, Claiborne is introducing a line of "fashion athletic shoes" that coordinate with a collection of Claiborne clothes.
  10. Most people are buried in their own clothes, says Ms. Kellow, but others have been in nursing homes for years and don't have any dress-up clothes left.
  11. Most people are buried in their own clothes, says Ms. Kellow, but others have been in nursing homes for years and don't have any dress-up clothes left.
  12. On other occasions, Ms. Lynn had Mrs. O'Boyle pin money to her clothes and wrap salt and coins in a handkerchief that belonged to her late husband.
  13. To do this, some of the dolls' clothes are being made across the border in the Czech Republic.
  14. It's where it all started," said Los Angeles-born Giffi Fields, who started selling hand-painted, made-to-measure men's clothes to Carnaby Street shops in the late 1960s.
  15. Relatives in the crowd held up signs, including one that said, "Daddy, Daddy, I Need You." Most of the group carried luggage; many wore casual clothes and were ill-prepared for the chilly evening weather.
  16. The Dyer's wife toys with ideas of glittery clothes and a young man _ both are conjured up by the nurse _ that might be more fun than motherhood.
  17. Youngsters not yet in their teens are shopping and cooking for the family, scheduling their own orthodontist appointments and piano lessons, tending pets and buying their own clothes.
  18. In another instance, lawyers from two firms had to keep track of a train car full of jeans and other clothes from California to Brooklyn.
  19. His were not clothes like any others.
  20. A new Italian-American designer, Carmelo Pomodoro, gave a series of low-keyed shows of easy sportswear and cozy clothes in his Paris debut.
  21. Brigades mobilized in the streets and soon after the first shots were fired a group of men in civilian clothes carrying assault rifles stormed the luxury Marriott Hotel and rounded up a dozen foreign guests.
  22. Symbols of the nation's steadily rising drive to reuse can be seen on most any street: neatly tied bundles of old newspapers and bags of used clothes are regularly piled on sidewalks for collection.
  23. "They are just more inclined to spend it at value-oriented businesses." And at Designs Inc., a chain specializing in Levi Strauss clothes ranging in price from $20 to $40, sales at stores open at least a year are up 16% so far this month.
  24. Several dozen demonstrators wearing makeup, worn clothes and wigs carried signs saying, "Slaves to Stereotypes," "There's Life at 44, and "Beauty Comes In All Types of Packages." About a dozen police officers monitored the protests.
  25. "See Candy's clothes, see Aaron's pad, "See Aaron and Candy's castle, make the neighbors mad.
  26. Members of Noriega's Panamanian Defense Force and his Dignity Battalions were known to wear civilian clothes.
  27. Lids on, they are passed to the gaggle of giggling girls who assemble the orders from both sides of the kitchen and make sure they are never without clothes pegs. Economics are forcing certain changes.
  28. It said it will pay for treatment or programs to help employees stop smoking, and provide respirators and other protective work clothes.
  29. The woman might look out of place aboard a boat in a Western harbor, but yachting clothes are practically unknown in the Soviet Far East.
  30. The three men, who were in civilian clothes, pulled out pistols and shot at the policemen, who fired back, investigators said.
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