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 climbing ['klaɪmɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 攀缘而登的, 上升的

n. 攀登

  1. When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff.
  2. Many people don't think it is dangerous to go mountain climbing.
  3. (Being) a lover of nature, he often goes mountain climbing.

[ noun ]
an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.)

Climbing \Climb"ing\,
p. pr. & vb. n. of {Climb}.

{Climbing fern}. See under {Fern}.

{Climbing perch}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Anabas}, and

Climb \Climb\ (kl[imac]m), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Climbed}
(kl[imac]md), Obs. or Vulgar {Clomb} (kl[o^]m); p. pr. & vb.
n. {Climbing}.] [AS. climban; akin to OHG. chlimban, G. & D.
klimmen, Icel. kl[=i]fa, and E. cleave to adhere.]
1. To ascend or mount laboriously, esp. by use of the hands
and feet.

2. To ascend as if with effort; to rise to a higher point.

Black vapors climb aloft, and cloud the day.

3. (Bot.) To ascend or creep upward by twining about a
support, or by attaching itself by tendrils, rootlets,
etc., to a support or upright surface.

  1. One measure closely watched by analysts as a barometer of the economy's strength, new orders for nondefense capital goods, rose 1.3% to $30.15 billion in October after climbing 0.7% the month before.
  2. Mazda has raised the prices on its cars sold in the U.S. nine times since late 1985, when the value of the Japanese yen began climbing against the dollar.
  3. He figures the stock can keep climbing, and per-share earnings could rise to $2.20 this year.
  4. Inflation is expected to average nearly 5%, up from 4.3% in 1990, and the average jobless rate is seen climbing to 6.7% from 6.2%.
  5. And though many countries might be envious of Norway's 3.2 percent unemployment figure, that December rate was more than double the figure for December 1987, and it's expected to keep climbing.
  6. With exports up only 5% but imports climbing 19%, Korea's trade balance swung into a deficit for the first eight months of this year.
  7. Analysts said negative publicity over the strike _ which already has cost Eastern some future customers _ and proposed restructuring plans may hinder Eastern's chances of climbing out from $2.5 billion in debts and a decade of nearly steady losses.
  8. Ten days ago, AmeriFirst said it had received inquiries about a takeover, confirming rumors that had sent the thrift's stock climbing in recent months.
  9. This one shows a man climbing a staircase representing the amount of time consumers in other countries must work to buy a pound of sugar.
  10. With Mexico's high interest rates falling and inflation at 130% a year and climbing, yields on bank deposits last month turned negative in inflation-adjusted terms, leaving the raging stock market an irresistible choice for thousands of new investors.
  11. Stocks did most of their climbing just before the close in a barrage of program-trading activity linked to a set of expiring options and futures on stock indexes and individual stocks.
  12. The advances were fed by a continued clamor for shares from foreign institutions in the wake of the airport agreement, as well as local enthusiasm about climbing property prices.
  13. Already, land prices near Hoffman have stopped climbing, and church collections are falling.
  14. As a result, German and Japanese interest rates in particular have been climbing, narrowing a once-wide gap between yields available in securities of those countries and what global investors could get in the U.S. Treasury market.
  15. Hueco Tanks and Joshua Tree National Monument, east of Los Angeles, are the most popular North American winter climbing sites.
  16. Gasoline deliveries increased 1.2 percent to 7.3 million barrels, with premium unleaded gasoline's share of the market climbing to 23 percent from 20 percent last year, and leaded gasoline's share dropping to 17 percent.
  17. Rates on 10-year Treasury notes, forecast by the administration at 8% this year, are already well above 9% and still climbing.
  18. In a corner booth at the 77 Lounge in Chadron, Neb., far from any interstate, owner Evva Gore whips out a freight bill to show a visitor just how fast her trucking costs are climbing.
  19. Sears, which reported disappointing profits this week, rose 2 at 99p, recovering part of Thursday fall, on turnover of 21m shares. A squeeze in BAA as the company agreed an office development deal with British Airways sent the shares climbing 16 to 645p.
  20. Meanwhile, the rise in interest rates sent the dollar climbing against major European currencies and the yen.
  21. In addition to domestic concerns over inflation and growth, the Fed is keeping an eye on international markets, where the dollar has been climbing, especially against the Japanese yen.
  22. Canadian volumes were 'modestly higher'. Operating earnings from CUB rose from ADollars 211m to ADollars 250m, with market share climbing to 53 per cent.
  23. But he said the bad publicity has not reached the United States, and American Hyundai sales are still climbing after reaching 263,610 cars last year.
  24. It was time to take our skis off and start climbing.
  25. On the one hand, economic news from continental Europe continues to be poor; on the other, stronger growth in the US raises the prospect of steadily climbing bond yields and the possibility of a tightening by the Federal Reserve.
  26. At 4:15 p.m., as most Journal reporters are racing to meet deadlines, I am climbing the stairs of a 14th Street tenement, sweating and searching for someone named Adrienne.
  27. The stock began climbing last week after the company said it expected to report that profit from continuing operations in the first quarter ended May 24 rose from a year earlier.
  28. Kloeckner-Humboldt-Deutz plummeted 7 to 186, at 3.6% one of the exchange's biggest losses for the session, though the engineering and machinery company posted profit for 1990, climbing out of the red for the first time since 1986.
  29. Indeed, compared with what he is about to endure, climbing on that tank last August was easy.
  30. By the close of trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Taiyo Kobe's stock had scored the maximum possible single-session gain, climbing to 1,930 yen ($13.50), up 300 yen from its closing price Monday.
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