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 clawed   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有爪/螯的

  1. Anxiety clawed him.
  2. An iron shaft with claws at one end, usually thrown by a rope and used for grasping and holding, especially one for drawing and holding an enemy ship alongside.
  3. They clawed each other in Parliament.

[ adj ]
  1. having or resembling a claw or claws; often used as a combining form

  2. <adj.all>
  3. (of predatory animals) armed with claws or talons

  4. <adj.all>

Claw \Claw\ (kl[add]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Clawed} (kl[add]d);
p. pr. & vb. n. {Clawing}.] [AS. clawan. See {Claw}, n.]
1. To pull, tear, or scratch with, or as with, claws or

2. To relieve from some uneasy sensation, as by scratching;
to tickle; hence, to flatter; to court. [Obs.]

Rich men they claw, soothe up, and flatter; the poor
they contemn and despise. --Holland.

3. To rail at; to scold. [Obs.]

In the aforesaid preamble, the king fairly claweth
the great monasteries, wherein, saith he, religion,
thanks be to God, is right well kept and observed;
though he claweth them soon after in another
acceptation. --T. Fuller

{Claw me, claw thee}, stand by me and I will stand by you; --
an old proverb. --Tyndale.

{To claw away}, to scold or revile. ``The jade Fortune is to
be clawed away for it, if you should lose it.''

{To claw (one) on the back}, to tickle; to express
approbation. (Obs.) --Chaucer.

{To claw (one) on the gall}, to find fault with; to vex.
[Obs.] --Chaucer.

Clawed \Clawed\ (kl[add]d), a.
Furnished with claws. --N. Grew.

  1. Around her, seamstresses stood sobbing; some clawed frantically at the fallen buildings to rescue trapped co-workers.
  2. But as frantic passengers clawed their way out escape doors, searing fire and smoke swept through the cabin, trapping many inside.
  3. The weighted index gained 39.72 at 4,718.23. SEOUL was marginally lower in moderate trading in spite of institutional buying which clawed back much of an early loss.
  4. The bedroom keys have worn wooden tags, the cast-iron baths rest on clawed feet, and the bar has trophies of long-forgotten tournaments. They are on my idiosyncratic African tryst list: scenes of assignations with companions real or imagined.
  5. But in the U.S., profitability deteriorated as the yen strengthened sharply against the dollar during the past five years, and many makers clawed out new market share by offering dealer incentives that shriveled profits.
  6. The London's robusta COFFEE futures clawed back earlier losses of up to Dollars 20 a tonne.
  7. Having followed New York lower in early trading, the market gradually clawed back losses and by the close at the London Commodity Exchange September delivery robusta futures were quoted at Dollars 3,830 a tonne, up Dollars 24 on the day.
  8. Born of immigrant parents in a Colorado coal camp, Mr. Jovanovich clawed his way from salesman to the presidency of Harcourt at the age of 34, after only eight years with the company.
  9. The shares clawed their way back from being 17 down to close 10 off at 605p. News and electronic information group Reuters Holdings fell 9 to 467p in spite of the stronger dollar, which would tend to support the shares of internationally traded stocks.
  10. EUROPEAN bond markets clawed back some of Monday's losses but ended narrowly mixed in moderate turnover.
  11. Yet one by one, passengers crawled and clawed their way to daylight, some through doors, other through cracks in the aluminum shell of this Delta jet, Flight 1141 of Wednesday.
  12. We have reduced gearing and our market share is stable at about 9 per cent.' Mr Geoff Douglas, analyst at Barclays de Zoete Wedd, said: 'Mortality rates for 1993 are so far down 6 per cent but hopefully the shortfall will be clawed back.'
  13. Besides, I called his wife." But if the general were to yield to temptation, he might consider Spider Webb's rather bloodthirsty design showing the face of Saddam Hussein being clawed by the talons of an American eagle.
  14. Nancy Curtis said nobody was at home Wednesday when the bear clawed and pushed its way in through a back door of her house in this town about 100 miles south of Juneau.
  15. However, buyers moved back into the market and June clawed its way back, helped by a bright start on Wall Street and digestion of some impressive corporate results, particularly from SmithKline Beecham.
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