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 clatter ['klætɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 咔嗒声, 哗啦声, 嘈杂的谈笑声

vi. 发出哗啦声, 喧闹的谈笑

vt. 使咔嗒咔嗒地响

  1. The boys stopped their clatter when the teacher came into the classroom.
  2. Pots and pans were clattering in the kitchen.
  3. The clatter came from the kitchen where pans were being washed.

[ noun ]
  1. a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement)

  2. <noun.event>
    the shutters clattered against the house
    the clatter of iron wheels on cobblestones
[ verb ]
  1. make a rattling sound

  2. <verb.perception> brattle clack
    clattering dishes

Clatter \Clat"ter\, v. t.
To make a rattling noise with.

You clatter still your brazen kettle. --Swift.

Clatter \Clat"ter\, n.
1. A rattling noise, esp. that made by the collision of hard
bodies; also, any loud, abrupt sound; a repetition of
abrupt sounds.

The goose let fall a golden egg
With cackle and with clatter. --Tennyson.

2. Commotion; disturbance. ``Those mighty feats which made
such a clatter in story.'' --Barrow.

3. Rapid, noisy talk; babble; chatter. ``Hold still thy
clatter.'' --Towneley Myst. (15 th Cent. ).

Throw by your clatter
And handle the matter. --B. Jonson

Clatter \Clat"ter\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Clattered}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Clattering}.] [AS. cla?rung a rattle, akin to D.
klateren to rattle. Cf. {Clack}.]
1. To make a rattling sound by striking hard bodies together;
to make a succession of abrupt, rattling sounds.

Clattering loud with iron clank. --Longfellow.

2. To talk fast and noisily; to rattle with the tongue.

I see thou dost but clatter. --Spenser.

  1. A nasty clatter after the piece ended could have been Le Spectre de Michel Fokine expressing an opinion on this ludicrous staging. What Fokine might have said about the programme's finale, Scheherazade, does not bear contemplation.
  2. At night, the silence is absolute, save for the occasional jingle and clatter of a passing horse and cart.
  3. Horse-drawn carriages clatter over cobblestones on foggy London nights.
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