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 clammy ['klæmi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 湿粘的, 病态的

  1. Cascarellian had grown pale and clammy while Lucidique spoke.
  2. He passed his hand across his forehead. It was dank with clammy sweat.
  3. This way, if you meet someone new, your hand will not be cold and clammy.

clammier, clammiest
[ adj ]
unpleasantly cool and humid
a clammy handshakeclammy weather
a dank cellar
dank rain forests

Clammy \Clam"my\, a. [Compar. {Clammier}; superl. {Clammiest}.]
[Cf. AS. cl[=a]m clay. See {Clam} to clog, and cf. {Clay}.]
Having the quality of being viscous or adhesive; soft and
sticky; glutinous; damp and adhesive, as if covered with a
cold perspiration.

  1. The vice president said there is no reason for a "feeling of gloom that seems to envelop this issue like a thick, clammy fog," because although the situation is serious, the war against drugs is winnable.
  2. I haven't had to shake a clammy hand in four years.
  3. The air was clammy.
  4. "She remembered me right away," he said. "It's kind of embarrassing the way she acts." Old spaghetti may sound cold and clammy, but two restaurant chains thought it was hot enough to fight over it in court.
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