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 chisels 添加此单词到默认生词本


    1. Gluing blocks of wood together and roughly shaping them with chisels is followed by the tedium of carving the feathers, detailing each down to the space between the barbs.
    2. As the ice blocks are chipped free by the chisels, they are guided by men wielding pick poles to the conveyor, whose oak slats guide the mammoth blocks to a truck.
    3. Instead of chisels, she sculpts with dynamite, hand grenades and artillery shells.
    4. The sharp steel edges of Barth's chisels bite into blocks of basswood and tupelo and find song birds, predators and game birds that possess an air of movement.
    5. He works outside on benches when it is too hot, his 50 chisels laid out on the bench with a surgeon's neatness. He took a City & Guilds wood carving course after working for a framer off London's King's Road.
    6. Two blue-bereted French soldiers amused the crowd and shocked the children peering out the streaky windows of the stalled car by chipping away at the Wall with hammers and chisels.
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