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 checkpoint ['tʃɛk`pɔɪnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 检查站

[计] 检查点

  1. You should pass through the red checkpoint.
  2. Shortly, he arrived a checkpoint whereby many tanks were parked.
  3. The outbound tourists carrying cultural relics must pass through that checkpoint.

[ noun ]
a place (as at a frontier) where travellers are stopped for inspection and clearance

checkpoint \checkpoint\ n.
a place (as at a frontier) where travellers are stopped for
inspection and clearance.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Hundreds of brave East Germans tried to scale the wall or tunnel under it or crash through a checkpoint.
  2. A military source said the militiamen belonging to the Amal organization, headed by Justice Minister Nabih Berri, took up positions near the crossing and set up a traffic checkpoint.
  3. The attackers first fired at a checkpoint in the Nagorno-Karabakh center of Stepanakert, gravely wounding private A. Gataulin, the official news agency said.
  4. Then, it is down a bumpy dirt road, past a final military checkpoint and into the Garden of Eden.
  5. Dozens of tanks, armored personnel carriers and trucks carrying hundreds of soldiers were seen crossing the border back into Iraq at the Safwan checkpoint, about 30 miles south of the Iraqi port city of Basra.
  6. Lawyers for those who successfully challenged the checkpoint program urged the justices to reject the appeal.
  7. At dawn, the convoy moved through a checkpoint about two miles from the capital, en route to the Soviet border 250 miles miles away, said an interior ministry spokesman who identified himself only as Hamad.
  8. "A lot them are transported to just before a checkpoint and dropped off. They walk around the checkpoint and are picked up on the other side," Garcia said.
  9. "A lot them are transported to just before a checkpoint and dropped off. They walk around the checkpoint and are picked up on the other side," Garcia said.
  10. Eighteen months ago, a car bomb exploded beside a Fijian checkpoint, killing three soldiers.
  11. Police said the other car bomb exploded at 1:30 a.m. in an olive green Mercedes near a Syrian checkpoint in the village of Saadnayel, 24 miles east of Beirut in the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley.
  12. In another incident, police discovered 300 pounds of explosives in a car that tried to evade a police checkpoint near Belfast's mainly Catholic Ardoyne area.
  13. The soldiers at the checkpoint are asleep!
  14. The next checkpoint is Unalakleet, about 90 miles away on the coast of Norton Sound.
  15. Until last year's peaceful revolution in East Germany, people seeking the release of relatives barred from joining them in the West held demonstrations at the checkpoint, some holding up protest signs for weeks.
  16. At one such checkpoint, Michigan state police troopers checked 126 vehicles in less than an hour and detained two drivers for sobriety field tests.
  17. Lavon Barve won $3,000 in silver ingots and the halfway trophy at this wilderness checkpoint, more than a half-hour ahead of defending champion Joe Runyan in the 18th annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
  18. The high court said that stopping a car at a checkpoint falls within the legal definition of a "seizure," triggering the protection of the Fourth Amendment.
  19. Barve arrived at the official halfway checkpoint at 10:57 p.m.
  20. "We are on full alert and we will stand no nonsense," said Major P. Govindaswamy, in charge of the army checkpoint at Panbazar, five miles south of Srinagar.
  21. A car bomb exploded near a Syrian checkpoint in Moslem west Beirut shortly after midnight today, wounding three Syrian soldiers and a Palestinian guerrilla leader, police said.
  22. The army said the soldier was in an observation tower Sunday at a permanent military checkpoint a half-mile from the Irish border.
  23. "This guy had driven a cement truck with his girlfriend and baby through the checkpoint," said Gainey, a U.S. Army photographer. "He drove a half-mile into the west side just to make sure.
  24. Or, the killer could be someone who slipped through the security gate at the base and a checkpoint at the pier, got on the ship, committed the crime and escaped.
  25. Tass said the two were at the Brest checkpoint in Byelorussia on the Polish border when the material was discovered.
  26. Five soldiers and driver Patsy Gillespie were killed when his car carrying a 1,000-pound bomb destroyed the Buncara checkpoint.
  27. One embassy official said safety concerns continue and cited a recent incident in which troops fired into the air when a car driven by an American businessman backfired as it pulled away from a military checkpoint.
  28. A park near the town of Longview (140 miles) was the final checkpoint.
  29. Diplomats and other sources who monitor military radio said that after the shooting incident the government soldiers deserted the checkpoint at Owensgrove, seven miles from the airport.
  30. On Sept. 31, two teen-age joyriders who drove a stolen car through a security checkpoint were shot to death in Belfast.
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