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 chartism ['tʃɑ:tizm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 宪章运动, 宪章主义

    [ noun ]
    the principles of a body of 19th century English reformers who advocated better social and economic conditions for working people

    Chartism \Chart"ism\, n. [F. charte charter. Cf. {Charte},
    The principles of a political party in England (1838-48),
    which contended for universal suffrage, the vote by ballot,
    annual parliaments, equal electoral districts, and other
    radical reforms, as set forth in a document called the
    People's Charter.

    1. Amateur chartism, that's how. Once the current euphoria is over, the great market debate of 1992 will resume: is this a stale bull market, or is it just tensing its muscles for a new rush?
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