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 chapter ['tʃæptɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 章, 篇, 重要章节

[计] 章; 段

  1. I had nearly finished chapter 8.
  2. The opening chapter gives a general overview of the subject.
  3. For further particulars, please refer to Chapter Ten.

[ noun ]
  1. a subdivision of a written work; usually numbered and titled

  2. <noun.communication>
    he read a chapter every night before falling asleep
  3. any distinct period in history or in a person's life

  4. <noun.time>
    the industrial revolution opened a new chapter in British history
    the divorce was an ugly chapter in their relationship
  5. a local branch of some fraternity or association

  6. <noun.group>
    he joined the Atlanta chapter
  7. an ecclesiastical assembly of the monks in a monastery or even of the canons of a church

  8. <noun.group>
  9. a series of related events forming an episode

  10. <noun.event>
    a chapter of disasters

Chapter \Chap"ter\, v. t.
1. To divide into chapters, as a book. --Fuller.

2. To correct; to bring to book, i. e., to demand chapter and
verse. [Obs.] --Dryden.

Chapter \Chap"ter\, n. [OF. chapitre, F. chapitre, fr. L.
capitulum, dim. of caput head, the chief person or thing, the
principal division of a writing, chapter. See {Chief}, and
cf, {Chapiter}.]
1. A division of a book or treatise; as, Genesis has fifty

2. (Eccl.)
(a) An assembly of monks, or of the prebends and other
clergymen connected with a cathedral, conventual, or
collegiate church, or of a diocese, usually presided
over by the dean.
(b) A community of canons or canonesses.
(c) A bishop's council.
(d) A business meeting of any religious community.

3. An organized branch of some society or fraternity as of
the Freemasons. --Robertson.

4. A meeting of certain organized societies or orders.

5. A chapter house. [R.] --Burrill.

6. A decretal epistle. --Ayliffe.

7. A location or compartment.

In his bosom! In what chapter of his bosom? --Shak.

{Chapter head}, or {Chapter heading}, that which stands at
the head of a chapter, as a title.

{Chapter house}, a house or room where a chapter meets, esp.
a cathedral chapter.

{The chapter of accidents}, chance. --Marryat.

  1. They foster hostile takeovers and an over-reliance on profitability as a yardstick of success. The chapter on Britain offers a rich and complex explanation of why its industry is in decline.
  2. The first is that the treaty signed in Maastricht did not envisage that Britain would participate in the social chapter.
  3. The ones who have escaped _ they are a special chapter, the lost possibilities." Of the remaining war criminals, he said: "They are getting old. This is my daily problem.
  4. The flavour of his childhood, and the dawning of the passion for rivers, are exquisitely captured in the opening chapter of An Open Creel, Waters Of Youth.
  5. Tearlach Mac a' Phearsoin, spokesman for the Calgary Ku Klux Klan chapter, said Hamilton and Heggen had been registered supporters but not active members.
  6. The chapter does not mention slave labor, price controls, exchange controls, prohibitions on private property, or restrictions on emigration.
  7. They took turns reading from the chapter, in which Emma asks picnic participants to say either one brilliant thing, two moderately amusing things, or three dull things.
  8. Democrat Michael Dukakis and Republican George Bush made half-hour network appeals for votes Monday night, the final chapter in a long, often nasty television war that played a key campaign role.
  9. "No more," Bush said. "Today begins a new chapter in the history of your nation.
  10. Many of those families spent summers along the Maine coast, said Allan A. Swenson of Kennebunk, an AFIO chapter director who was involved in military and civilian intelligence.
  11. Michel Aoun said Wednesday. "The parliamentary session yesterday was the last chapter of a conspiracy against Lebanon," Aoun's Radio Lebanon quoted the him as saying.
  12. A fraternity member, the Stetson chapter, the national organization and the university have been sued by a woman who told investigators she was raped during a night of heavy drinking and dancing at the Pike house in April 1988.
  13. Yoder said he did not know if there were any blacks among the 85 members of the chapter.
  14. Because of who we are, we can stretch your dollars," said Chris Garrett, spokeswoman for the Red Cross chapter in San Francisco.
  15. Religious ceremonies and other observations were planned for Saturday at the site of the final bloody chapter in the 19th century U.S.-Indian wars.
  16. Munck - assisted by a colleague, Douglas Hamilton - address this question in a final chapter.
  17. It is also the latest chapter in the continuing controversy over the nation's officially preserved natural heritage.
  18. However, some libertarians, along with the Sierra Club's LA chapter, argue that forcing a supply crunch by not building more roads is the best way toward alternatives.
  19. "That was a chapter in my life, and now I've gone on to other things."
  20. "I think this is the final chapter.
  21. With the phasing out of plutonium production there, the local chapter could soon be hurting unless it finds new members, Johnson said.
  22. The memory of that brutal chapter still haunts the country's leaders who are anxious to ensure that the next transfer of power is peaceful.
  23. This chapter focuses on one big accounting firm, Coopers & Lybrand, that found itself in the awkward position of realizing that the more it cut its previous audit fee to meet competition, the more the audit client would feel it "pigged out in the past."
  24. "I don't know that it's necessarily the last chapter," said Dick Berthelsen, the union's general counsel, of the owners' negative response.
  25. The former president of a local NAACP chapter filed a $10 million libel lawsuit against Arsenio Hall for the second time, accusing the talk show host of racist and obscene slurs.
  26. The Rutgers chapter was disbanded and the house doors slammed shut.
  27. The book was bought as a miniseries in 1982 in the early stages of the manuscript, and screenwriter William Hanley, working chapter by chapter, frequently called Goodwin to see what was coming next.
  28. The book was bought as a miniseries in 1982 in the early stages of the manuscript, and screenwriter William Hanley, working chapter by chapter, frequently called Goodwin to see what was coming next.
  29. "What this means for the families is perhaps one chapter of this horrible nightmare will be laid to rest," Prosecutor Peter Bumerts said after the verdict.
  30. Candidates from the Lithuanian chapter of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which remains loyal to Moscow and opposes full independence, won seven seats.
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