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 catarrhal pneumonia 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 卡他性肺炎, 支气管肺炎

    Pneumonia \Pneu*mo"ni*a\ (n[-u]*m[=o]"n[i^]*[.a]), n. [NL., fr.
    Gr. pneymoni`a, fr. pney`mwn, pl. pney`mones the lungs, also,
    pley`mwn, which is perh. the original form. Cf. {Pneumatio},
    {Pulmonary}.] (Med.)
    Inflammation of the lungs.


    {Catarrhal pneumonia}, or {Broncho-pneumonia}, is
    inflammation of the lung tissue, associated with catarrh
    and with marked evidences of inflammation of bronchial
    membranes, often chronic; -- also called {lobular
    pneumonia}, from its affecting single lobules at a time.

    {Croupous pneumonia}, or ordinary pneumonia, is an acute
    affection characterized by sudden onset with a chill, high
    fever, rapid course, and sudden decline; -- also called
    {lobar pneumonia}, from its affecting a whole lobe of the
    lung at once. See under {Croupous}.

    {Fibroid pneumonia} is an inflammation of the interstitial
    connective tissue lying between the lobules of the lungs,
    and is very slow in its course, producing shrinking and
    atrophy of the lungs.

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