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 caste [kæst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 印度的种姓制度, (排他的)社会团体

  1. Those poor men live in the lowest caste.
  2. The caste refers to social system based on rigid distinctions of birth, rank, wealth, etc.
  3. Social rank or caste, especially high rank.

[ noun ]
  1. social status or position conferred by a system based on class

  2. <noun.state>
    lose caste by doing work beneath one's station
  3. (Hinduism) a hereditary social class among Hindus; stratified according to ritual purity

  4. <noun.group>
  5. a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth

  6. <noun.group>
  7. in some social insects (such as ants) a physically distinct individual or group of individuals specialized to perform certain functions in the colony

  8. <noun.group>

Caste \Caste\, n. [Pg. casta race, lineage, fr. L. castus pure,
chaste: cf. F. caste, of same origin.]
1. One of the hereditary classes into which the Hindu are
divided according to the laws of Brahmanism.

Note: The members of the same caste are theoretically of
equal rank, and same profession or occupation, and may
not eat or intermarry with those not of their own
caste. The original are four, viz., the Brahmans, or
sacerdotal order; the Kshatriyas, or soldiers and
rulers; the Vaisyas, or husbandmen and merchants; and
the Sudras, or laborers and mechanics. Men of no caste
are Pariahs, outcasts. Numerous mixed classes, or
castes, have sprung up in the progress of time.

2. A separate and fixed order or class of persons in society
who chiefly hold intercourse among themselves.

The tinkers then formed an hereditary caste.

{To lose caste}, to be degraded from the caste to which one
has belonged; to lose social position or consideration.

  1. The events shattered the myth that Bombay was aloof from politics and caste, unconcerned about anything but commerce.
  2. Student riots against new government job quotas for lower caste groups today spread across northern India, leaving at least five people dead.
  3. Hedropped his family's surname of Singh, which made him instantly recognizable as a member of the "Thakur" or "landlord" caste.
  4. Under the caste system, Brahmins consider themselves superior to Harijans.
  5. The Sikh religion, founded in the 15th century, opposes the strict caste system found among Hindus.
  6. Her critics, he suggested, were simply aristocratic snobs fighting "a caste war." James H. Webb Jr.
  7. His party is the only one in India that speaks for the Harijans. He said they and and tribespeople, who also are outside the caste system, make up 25 percent of the population and the lower castes are another 50 percent.
  8. Moslems traditionally have tended to vote as a bloc, making up more than 20 percent of the electorate in about 100 constituencies. But now the quest is for a new vote bloc, a consolidated Hindu vote cutting across caste lines.
  9. As the students shouted anti-government slogans and burned their university degree certificates near Parliament, a street sweeper from a lower caste rested his broom to watch.
  10. The landlord belonged to Singh's subcaste, the Thakurs, who are part of the Kshatriya caste.
  11. But the role of caste is changing," Nandi said. "It's not much different than ethnic groupings in the United States." An 8,000-year-old village under the sea has yielded an intriguing discovery: a water well thought to be the oldest in the world.
  12. The caste system, which began perhaps 2,500 years ago, categorized Hindus into a social hierarchy determined by birth and sanctioned by religion.
  13. The caste system, the commercial and political corruption, and the stifling bureaucracy will not be disposed of easily or quickly.
  14. Prabhat Aggarwal knows by his very name his place in life. "Aggarwal" is also his caste.
  15. Weekend classified pages publish columns of matrimonial offers based on caste.
  16. Modern India, which is 82 percent Hindu, embraced secularism and socialist ideals when it became independent from Britain in 1947, and pledged to discard the caste system.
  17. According to Hindu belief, caste Hindus are defiled by touching a Harijan and water becomes polluted if a Harijan walks past the well.
  18. Slaughtering 11,500 hogs a day, up to six days a week, it runs on a caste system visible only to the workers themselves.
  19. In addition, Vargas Llosa is viewed by many as part of the white caste that has traditionally ruled this Andean country from coastal Lima.
  20. India's complex Hindu caste system sets social levels according to birth, ranging from the top-level Brahmins to the Sudras, who do menial tasks.
  21. Perhaps Gorbachev's soaring ambition, his splendid vision of the future, and his courage are spoiled by his lifetime as a member of an isolated priestly caste, whose pride was its ability to manipulate people.
  22. The converts, called Harijans, were below the complex Hindu caste system that determines a person's social standing by birth, and often affects economic position.
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