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 cashier [kæ'ʃɪr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 出纳员

[经] 司库, 出纳员, 收支员

  1. The cashier died in harness.
  2. The cheques must be signed in front of the cashier at the bank.
  3. The cashier has done a bunk with the day's takings.

[ noun ]
  1. an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money

  2. <noun.person>
  3. a person responsible for receiving payments for goods and services (as in a shop or restaurant)

  4. <noun.person>
[ verb ]
  1. discard or do away with

  2. <verb.social>
    cashier the literal sense of this word
  3. discharge with dishonor, as in the army

  4. <verb.social>

Cashier \Cash*ier"\ (k[a^]sh*[=e]r"), n. [F. caissier, fr.
caisse. See {Cash}.]
One who has charge of money; a cash keeper; the officer who
has charge of the payments and receipts (moneys, checks,
notes), of a bank or a mercantile company.

Cashier \Cash*ier"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cahiered}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Cashiering}.] [Earlier cash, fr. F. casser to break,
annul, cashier, fr. L. cassare, equiv. to cassum reddere, to
annul; cf. G. cassiren. Cf. {Quash} to annul, {Cass}.]
1. To dismiss or discard; to discharge; to dismiss with
ignominy from military service or from an office or place
of trust.

They have cashiered several of their followers.

He had insolence to cashier the captain of the lord
lieutenant's own body guard. --Macaulay.

2. To put away or reject; to disregard. [R.]

Connections formed for interest, and endeared

By selfish views, [are] censured and cashiered.

They absolutely cashier the literal express sense of
the words. --Sowth.

  1. The man considered the Corleone family's "cashier," Michele Cillari, was among more noted figures arrested on Monday.
  2. McAfee on Thursday was convicted of plotting to import marijuana or cocaine with Olga Thrasher, the 31-year-old wife of a marijuana smuggler, and helping her launder drug money by advising her to purchase cashier's checks in small amounts.
  3. The group, which includes a beautician, a shoe repairman and a supermarket cashier, has won some battles.
  4. A 28-year-old man went silently to his death early today in the electric chair for the hammer slaying of a cashier he had romanced, then robbed, becoming the nation's 100th person executed since capital punishment resumed in 1977.
  5. "When I'm not on maternity leave, I park downtown every day," she said. "Let somebody else deal with it today." Parking cashier Chris Elliott said the service was believed to be only the second in the country for downtown shoppers.
  6. It went bam, bam, bam," said Mark Robinson, who was en route home from an overnight cashier's job.
  7. "I hope I'm not going to end up working as a cashier at the university canteen.
  8. Defense lawyer Michael L. Chernin argued that money laundering must involve a change in the nature of the money in an attempt to hide it, as in turning cash into a cashier's check to disguise its origin.
  9. "I only hope the future holds happiness for me," said Tracey Scott, 19, who had admitted she let friends walk out without paying for their goods at the Huddersfield supermarket where she worked as a cashier.
  10. A supermarket chain is giving free merchandise to any customer who is not thanked by a check out cashier, a cab company is training all its drivers in etiquette and Diamond District merchants are displaying the courtesy posters in their store windows.
  11. She is a 30-year-old cashier, stuck in a dead-end relationship with her much older boyfriend.
  12. Epperson said his talk with Simmons, 47, took place in a small Russellville market where Simmons was a cashier and to which Epperson delivered bread and cake on a daily route.
  13. She worked next to her husband, a cashier, from 1921 until he died in 1948.
  14. Bankers say the rule permitting longer holds on checks greater than $5,000 doesn't apply to government and cashier's checks.
  15. They were frustrated by the longer queues at the cashier and the small coins given as change.
  16. The figure is based on 10 billion cash transactions yearly and a cashier wasting two seconds per transaction fishing for pennies.
  17. Mrs. Hutson typically played after opening cash accounts in amounts of as much as $10,000, leaving the casino cashier's window laden with $20 chips, says a person close to the case.
  18. A cashier said the store owner ordered the man removed.
  19. In Montana, for example, a cashier was told, without prior warning, to either resign or be fired.
  20. Two more women sat in the cashier's booth, and four other workers stood nearby.
  21. Miss Rolle, a senior at Rindge and Latin High School in Cambridge, had used the money she earned as a cashier at Warburton's pastry shop in Harvard Square to finance the trip to New York, where she stayed with aunts in the Bronx.
  22. The NASD charged that Mr. Bennett received a client's $12,000 cashier's check and, without the customer's knowledge or consent, converted the proceeds to his own use.
  23. CASH TRANSACTIONS over $10,000 that must be reported to the IRS will include monetary instruments such as money orders and cashier's checks.
  24. Authorities said Wilson had grabbed the unidentified cashier as she walked through a break area next to the truck stop.
  25. A human cashier pays out to winners. Betpoint managing director Chris Latter was a systems designer and formerly head of computer services for commodity broker Philip Brothers.
  26. The shooting spree started about 7:40 p.m. Wednesday when a gunman walked into a Taco Bell restaurant and shot a cashier in the face, Mercado said.
  27. For Harmony Pharmacy owner Jeffrey Marchack, who lost his entire inventory of $100,000 worth of drugs and merchandise, the episode has meant a decision to install an iron grille in the front window and a cashier's cage.
  28. A cashier, put at ease by the correct photograph and signature, would be less likely to notice the forgery than at present.
  29. We don't know if he's been doing a lot of copies and mailing them out around the country." At the Dairy Mart on Main Street, cashier Robin McElhiney, 19, said of selling adult magazines: "The people who buy them are responsible.
  30. The cashier sighed, and rolled her eyes, as if to say, Here he goes again. 'And wait until the new year,' the porter continued.
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