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 cash boy 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Cash \Cash\ (k[a^]sh), n. [F. caisse case, box, cash box, cash.
    See {Case} a box.]
    A place where money is kept, or where it is deposited and
    paid out; a money box. [Obs.]

    This bank is properly a general cash, where every man
    lodges his money. --Sir W.

    [pounds]20,000 are known to be in her cash. --Sir R.

    2. (Com.)
    (a) Ready money; especially, coin or specie; but also
    applied to bank notes, drafts, bonds, or any paper
    easily convertible into money.
    (b) Immediate or prompt payment in current funds; as, to
    sell goods for cash; to make a reduction in price for

    {Cash account} (Bookkeeping), an account of money received,
    disbursed, and on hand.

    {Cash boy}, in large retail stores, a messenger who carries
    the money received by the salesman from customers to a
    cashier, and returns the proper change. [Colloq.]

    {Cash credit}, an account with a bank by which a person or
    house, having given security for repayment, draws at
    pleasure upon the bank to the extent of an amount agreed
    upon; -- called also {bank credit} and {cash account}.

    {Cash sales}, sales made for ready, money, in distinction
    from those on which credit is given; stocks sold, to be
    delivered on the day of transaction.

    Syn: Money; coin; specie; currency; capital.

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