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 carnival ['kɑrnəvl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 嘉年华会, 狂欢节, 饮宴狂欢

  1. While I was in Madrid there was a carnival.
  2. The area of a fair, a carnival, a circus, or an exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.
  3. He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for a carnival float.

[ noun ]
  1. a festival marked by merrymaking and processions

  2. <noun.act>
  3. a frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment

  4. <noun.act>
    it was so funny it was a circus
    the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere
  5. a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc.

  6. <noun.act>

Carnival \Car"ni*val\, n. [It. carnevale, prob. for older
carnelevale, prop., the putting away of meat; fr. L. caro,
carnis, flesh + levare to take away, lift up, fr. levis
1. A festival celebrated with merriment and revelry in Roman
Gatholic countries during the week before Lent, esp. at
Rome and Naples, during a few days (three to ten) before
Lent, ending with Shrove Tuesday.

The carnival at Venice is everywhere talked of.

2. Any merrymaking, feasting, or masquerading, especially
when overstepping the bounds of decorum; a time of riotous
excess. --Tennyson.

He saw the lean dogs beneath the wall
Hold o'er the dead their carnival --Byron.

  1. Mazursky highlights the comedy with real-life cameo appearances. Sammy Davis Jr. sings for the carnival, Ike Pappas plays a television reporter.
  2. The parades along a six-block, open-air "sambadrome" feature original lyrics, costumes and floats based on a carnival theme and are considered the highlight of Rio carnival.
  3. The parades along a six-block, open-air "sambadrome" feature original lyrics, costumes and floats based on a carnival theme and are considered the highlight of Rio carnival.
  4. A carnival atmosphere set in when the rain stopped, complete with popcorn vendors and music from a military band.
  5. Brazilians clad in sequins, feathers and little else cast aside their economic woes Sunday and whooped it up at costume balls and street parties during the second day of the carnival blowout.
  6. "This is like a carnival, and people are having fun, talking about what they would do with the money," Mrs. Lienhards said.
  7. "Any time we get close and don't go, like a kid going to the carnival, we're frustrated and we're anxious to get going," said William Lenoir, head of NASA's space flight program. "But we're not going until we're ready.
  8. But Abrell uses his best stage voice and draws on his carnival days when talking up the tome.
  9. The lights of the Velodrome at Olympic Park shine at night like a carnival ride.
  10. "Second stage of reform: carnival.
  11. Seven people were hurt at a pre-Lent carnival in the southern town of Beek when a big tent blew down.
  12. A carnival atmosphere developed as Lewis, Chewning and Kennedy alternately met with reporters in the ornate lobby of the OAS building, while musicians, waiters and waitresses prepared one floor above for a dinner-dance.
  13. The country's wild pre-Lenten bash came to a close in Rio, the unofficial carnival capital, after four balls and huge street parties that attracted thousands of city residents despite periodic thunderstorms.
  14. In addition to New York being shut on Monday, many European centers are closed or half-staffed for carnival and Hong Kong is closed for the Chinese New Year.
  15. Parade floats and scantily clad samba dancers revved up the city's marathon carnival, while the government urged TV stations to be a bit more discreet about broadcasting nude revelers.
  16. Jews also mark the holiday by drinking wine, sending gifts and holding carnival parades.
  17. The turning point was 1975 when a bicheiro known as Anisio hired a top carnival designer, Joazinho Trinta, to produce a spectacular parade with huge papier-mache animals, spinning roulette wheels and fabulous costumes for his school, Beija Flor.
  18. His office is cluttered with the guitars _ one belonged to rock star Rick Derringer and another to Eric Clapton _ and he collects antique carnival games.
  19. Demonstration tapes fill racks on an entire wall and others are scattered on her desk where a phone rings repeatedly and a mammoth stuffed carnival prize snake curls watching overhead.
  20. A state police spokesman said about 100,000 attended the agricultural exhibition and carnival Saturday, its last day.
  21. About four years ago, he met Kathlynn, a carnival worker.
  22. There would be arts and crafts displays, carnival rides, food booths and beer tents.
  23. Steve Nellis, a former carnival worker, dreams of climbing a Ferris wheel again.
  24. Police in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil's two most important cities, were still compiling crime rate figures but reported that this year's carnival was mostly peaceful.
  25. A teen-ager believed to be a gang member fatally shot another youth and injured two others at a crowded high school carnival Friday night during an argument over a girl, police said.
  26. And, Hugh Wilson, the producer brought all the writers in after carnival.
  27. The Broadway musical "Cats" has drawn crowds at the Operettenhaus since 1985, and a sprawling carnival covers the grounds of Heiligengeistfeld (Spirits' Field) three times each year, including during the busy November-December Christmas season.
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