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 carillon ['kæriljәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 排钟, 钟乐

[电] 钟乐器

    carillonned, carillonning
    [ noun ]
    1. set of bells hung in a bell tower

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. playing a set of bells that are (usually) hung in a tower

    4. <noun.act>

    Carillon \Car"il*lon\, n. [F. carillon a chime of bells,
    originally consisting of four bells, as if fr.. (assumed) L.
    quadrilio, fr. quatuer four.]
    1. (Mus.) A chime of bells diatonically tuned, played by
    clockwork or by finger keys.

    2. A tune adapted to be played by musical bells.

    1. A lawyer for Bellshire United Methodist Church said the church had turned down the carillon to 50 percent of its power and was preparing to move its speakers higher on the steeple to further reduce the sound.
    2. The carillon at the Kirk-in-the-Hills near Detroit has 77 bells, according to Terry Mayer, president of the Metropolitan New York chapter of the American Bell Association International and a designer of bell jewelry.
    3. About 450 people attended Sunday's Roman Catholic funeral Mass at St. Jeremiah's Church in this city 27 miles west of Boston, and music was played on a carillon donated in McAuliffe's memory.
    4. The bells of the St. Catherine's Church carillon in this port city pealed Wednesday for the first time since the end of World War II, a symbol of peace and reconciliation 50 years after the conflict began.
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