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 cardiology [,kɑ:di'ɒlәdʒi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 心脏病学

[医] 心[脏]病学

  1. The study, funded by Abbott Laboratories, a maker of stents, was presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology.
  2. WHF members, comprising189 cardiology societies and heart foundations in more than100 countries, organise activities for World Heart Day.
  3. Manufactured in Class100,000 cleanrooms, the products are widely used in minimally invasive cardiology, neurology, urology, and nephrology procedures.

[ noun ]
the branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases

  1. Bernadine Healy, of Ohio, chairman of the Research Institute of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and a staff member of the clinic's cardiology department.
  2. The laser transmits energy in pulses that last a billionth of a second, much too fast for the body to feel heat, said Dr. Michael S. Feldman, director of cardiology here.
  3. They also experience abnormally fast clotting, apparently because ANF also appears to help blood clot faster, said Marc Taylor, a clinical fellow in cardiology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville.
  4. But "there is a tremendous need for medicines more potent than aspirin and heparin," says Eric Topol, chief of cardiology research at Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
  5. Borgess stresses cardiology and neurosurgery and does kidney transplants.
  6. A spokesman for the hospital's cardiology department said full surgery was "not being seriously considered."
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