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 carburettor ['kɑrbə`retɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 汽化器

  1. How about your carburettor?
  2. If an engine ticks over slowly or too fast an adjustment must be made to the carburettor.
  3. The explosive mixture of the petrol engine is provided by a carburettor, but in the case of the diesel engine the supply is effected by an injection or jerk pump which forces a shot of fuel into each cylinder in turn according

[ noun ]
mixes air with gasoline vapor prior to explosion

Carburetor \Car"bu*ret`or\, Carburettor \Car"bu*ret`tor\, n.
1. (Chem.) An apparatus in which coal gas, hydrogen, or air
is passed through or over a volatile hydrocarbon, in order
to confer or increase illuminating power. [Written also

2. One that carburets; specif., an apparatus in which air or
gas is carbureted, as by passing it through a light
petroleum oil. The carburetor for a gasoline engine is
usually either a {surface carburetor}, or alternatively a
{float carburetor} (called also {float-feed carburetor},
or {spray carburetor}). In the former air is charged by
being passed over the surface of gasoline. In the latter a
fine spray of gasoline is drawn from an atomizing nozzle
by a current of air induced by the suction of the engine
piston, the supply of gasoline being regulated by a float
which actuates a needle valve controlling the outlet of
the feed pipe. Alcohol and other volatile inflammable
liquids may be used instead of gasoline.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Carburetor \Car"bu*ret`or\, Carburettor \Car"bu*ret`tor\, n.
1. (Chem.) An apparatus in which coal gas, hydrogen, or air
is passed through or over a volatile hydrocarbon, in order
to confer or increase illuminating power. [Written also

2. One that carburets; specif., an apparatus in which air or
gas is carbureted, as by passing it through a light
petroleum oil. The carburetor for a gasoline engine is
usually either a {surface carburetor}, or alternatively a
{float carburetor} (called also {float-feed carburetor},
or {spray carburetor}). In the former air is charged by
being passed over the surface of gasoline. In the latter a
fine spray of gasoline is drawn from an atomizing nozzle
by a current of air induced by the suction of the engine
piston, the supply of gasoline being regulated by a float
which actuates a needle valve controlling the outlet of
the feed pipe. Alcohol and other volatile inflammable
liquids may be used instead of gasoline.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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