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 cancerous ['kænsәrәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 癌的, 似癌的, 生癌的

[医] 癌性的

  1. Is the growth benign or cancerous?
  2. A gene that causes the transformation of normal cells into cancerous tumor cells, especially a viral gene that transforms a host cell into a tumor cell.
  3. It is not contagious or cancerous.

[ adj ]
  1. relating to or affected with cancer

  2. <adj.all>
    a cancerous growth
  3. like a cancer; an evil that grows and spreads

  4. <adj.all>
    remorse was cancerous within him
    pornography is cancerous to the moral development of our children

cancerous \can"cer*ous\, a. [Cf. F. canc['e]reux]
Like a cancer; having the qualities or virulence of a cancer;
affected with cancer; as, a cancerous growth. ``cancerous
vices'' --G. Eliot.
-- {Can"cer*ous*ly}, adv. --
{Can"cer*ous*ness}, n.

  1. Marijuana smoking was the common link among a number of otherwise healthy young people who developed large, fast-growing cancerous tumors of the mouth and neck, two doctors reported.
  2. The actress first underwent surgery in 1984 for removal of a cancerous right breast and eight lymph nodes under her arm.
  3. Polhill was told after the biopsy last week that the growth was cancerous, and agreed to surgery.
  4. Dr. Macklis and his colleagues also believe if alpha radiation could be safely harnessed, it could become a precise medical weapon that would attack cancerous cells without damaging nearby healthy tissue.
  5. A year ago: First lady Nancy Reagan underwent a modified radical mastectomy at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland to remove her cancerous left breast.
  6. Mrs Rose Cipollene, a life-long smoker, sued three tobacco companies after having a cancerous lung removed in 1983.
  7. Mutant forms of the protein are found in various types of cancerous growths.
  8. Leukemia is a cancerous disorder of the blood-forming tissues characterized by excessive production of lymphocytes, or white cells.
  9. He is recuperating slowly from the removal last month of a cancerous brain tumor and isn't expected to return to his seventh-floor office at CIA headquarters in the woods of suburban Langley, Va.
  10. After the delay, 11 tests revealed cancerous cells, 93 showed pre-cancer conditions and 600 contained other abnormalities.
  11. Trapeze star Angel Wallenda spent her 22nd birthday consulting with doctors about removing cancerous sections of her lungs.
  12. BSD and Clini-Therm are competitors in developing and manufacturing product lines that include machines that treat cancerous tumors with heat.
  13. In 1979 Brennan had a stroke that left his right hand partially paralyzed, and a year earlier he was treated for a cancerous growth on a vocal cord.
  14. The Utah research group expects to focus on one of these chromosomes as the location of a mutant gene that may involve cancerous polyp growth.
  15. By the time the lab reported the lump was cancerous, he said, "I sort of suspected it." He spent two days in the hospital after a modified mastectomy. Tests at the time and since have shown no evidence of any remaining disease.
  16. The variations in tissue fluorescence become apparent, indicating the area of cancerous tissue, Xillix says.
  17. The cyst, which had bothered Bush for several years, was removed during surgery Friday at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and was tested to make sure it was not cancerous.
  18. The most common test for cervical cancer is the Pap test, which detects abnormal or cancerous cells in the cervix, the opening to the womb.
  19. The growths generally cause no serious symptoms but, if left alone, can grow into cancerous lesions such as the one removed in 1985.
  20. Currently, women with small cancerous breast tumors that have not spread to the lymph nodes have surgery or a lumpectomy with radiation therapy, Rubin said.
  21. Duarte, who was admitted to Walter Reed on May 31, underwent three hours of cancer surgery on June 7. During the surgery, doctors removed a portion of his stomach but left his cancerous liver alone.
  22. Physicians hope the isotopes will halt the growth of the tumor and kill the cancerous cells.
  23. That's not an errand worth doing, in my opinion." Price's "normal number of exceptions" to his happy life includes being stricken by astrocytoma, a cancerous nerve tumor in his spinal cord that has left him a paraplegic since 1984.
  24. Some physicians estimate as many as 10 percent of American women may be infected by HPV, which causes venereal warts in both men and women and has been linked to cancerous cell changes of the genital tract.
  25. About 30 percent or more of women who show no sign of cancerous spread at the time of surgery will nonetheless get a recurrence, the National Cancer Institute says.
  26. Depending upon the dose of NNK, one of a family of chemicals known jointly as nitrosamines, up to 70 percent of the fetuses developed cancerous tumors.
  27. Doctors found another, larger cancerous polyp that was removed the following day along with two feet of intestinal tract.
  28. Yale University researchers, meanwhile, said they found that a lumpectomy _ removing a cancerous tumor and some surrounding tissue _ combined with radiation therapy can be a good alternative to a mastectomy.
  29. The technique allows the blood to be cleansed of any cancerous cells, which may not be killed by radiation and chemotherapy.
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