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 calibration [,kæli'breiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 口径测定, 刻度, 校准

[化] 校准

[医] 校准

[经] 测量

  1. To deal with outside calibration.
  2. Gage verification or calibration rate.
  3. Gage annual calibration plan and record.

[ noun ]
the act of checking or adjusting (by comparison with a standard) the accuracy of a measuring instrument
the thermometer needed calibration

Calibration \Cal`ibra"*tion\, n.
The process of estimating the caliber a tube, as of a
thermometer tube, in order to graduate it to a scale of
degrees; also, more generally, the determination of the true
value of the spaces in any graduated instrument.

  1. A 0.1% calibration error can amount to a difference of several thousand barrels in tankers that carry several million barrels of oil when fully loaded.
  2. He said Hazelwood told him, "Well, this is one way to end a career." _Coast Guard radar failed to identify the tanker's position in the minutes before the wreck, and may have been out of calibration.
  3. THE Monopolies and Mergers Commision is to investigate whether a sufficiently competitive market exists in the calibration and servicing of exhaust gas analysers.
  4. The junior Smoot also cautioned that his height, 5-feet-11, would result in a different calibration.
  5. These events cannot be attributed to problems with accuracy or calibration alone and are presently not understood."
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