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 cachalot ['kæʃәlɒt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 抹香鲸

    [ noun ]
    large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil; also a source of ambergris

    Sperm whale \Sperm" whale`\ (Zo["o]l.)
    A very large toothed whale ({Physeter macrocephalus}), having
    a head of enormous size. The upper jaw is destitute of teeth.
    In the upper part of the head, above the skull, there is a
    large cavity, or case, filled with oil and spermaceti. This
    whale sometimes grows to the length of more than eighty feet.
    It is found in the warmer parts of all the oceans. Called
    also {cachalot}, and {spermaceti whale}.

    {Pygmy sperm whale} (Zo["o]l.), a small whale ({Kogia
    breviceps}), seldom twenty feet long, native of tropical
    seas, but occasionally found on the American coast. Called
    also {snub-nosed cachalot}.

    {Sperm-whale porpoise} (Zo["o]l.), a toothed cetacean
    ({Hypero["o]don bidens}), found on both sides of the
    Atlantic and valued for its oil. The adult becomes about
    twenty-five feet long, and its head is very large and
    thick. Called also {bottle-nosed whale}.

    cachalot \cach"a*lot\, n. [F. cachalot.] (Zo["o]l.)
    The sperm whale ({Physeter macrocephalus}). It has in the top
    of its head a large cavity, containing an oily fluid, which,
    after death, concretes into a whitish crystalline substance
    called {spermaceti}. See {Sperm whale}.

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