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 buffalo ['bʌfәlәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 水牛

[机] 水牛

  1. There were lots of buffaloes in the North America 100 years ago.
  2. He tried to buffalo me at first meeting but I soon caught on to his tricks.
  3. Buffalo Environmental Law Journal---

[ noun ]
  1. large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains

  2. <noun.animal>
  3. a city on Lake Erie in western New York (near Niagara Falls)

  4. <noun.location>
  5. meat from an American bison

  6. <noun.food>
  7. any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffalo

  8. <noun.animal>
[ verb ]
  1. intimidate or overawe

  2. <verb.emotion>

Buffalo \Buf"fa*lo\, n.; pl. {Buffaloes}. [Sp. bufalo (cf. It.
bufalo, F. buffle), fr. L. bubalus, bufalus, a kind of
African stag or gazelle; also, the buffalo or wild ox, fr.
Gr. ? buffalo, prob. fr. ? ox. See {Cow} the animal, and cf.
{Buff} the color, and {Bubale}.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) A species of the genus {Bos} or {Bubalus}
({Bubalus bubalus}), originally from India, but now found
in most of the warmer countries of the eastern continent.
It is larger and less docile than the common ox, and is
fond of marshy places and rivers.

2. (Zo["o]l.) A very large and savage species of the same
genus ({Syncerus Caffer} syn. {Bubalus Caffer}) found in
South Africa; -- called also {Cape buffalo}.

3. (Zo["o]l.) Any species of wild ox.

4. (Zo["o]l.) The bison of North America.

5. A buffalo robe. See {Buffalo robe}, below.

6. (Zo["o]l.) The buffalo fish. See {Buffalofish}, below.

{Buffalo berry} (Bot.), a shrub of the Upper Missouri
({Sherherdia argentea}) with acid edible red berries.

{Buffalo bird} (Zo["o]l.), an African bird of the genus
{Buphaga}, of two species. These birds perch upon
buffaloes and cattle, in search of parasites.

{Buffalo bug}, the carpet beetle. See under {Carpet}.

{Buffalo chips}, dry dung of the buffalo, or bison, used for
fuel. [U.S.]

{Buffalo clover} (Bot.), a kind of clover ({Trifolium
reflexum} and {Trifoliumsoloniferum}) found in the ancient
grazing grounds of the American bison.

{Buffalo cod} (Zo["o]l.), a large, edible, marine fish
({Ophiodon elongatus}) of the northern Pacific coast; --
called also {blue cod}, and {cultus cod}.

{Buffalo fly}, or {Buffalo gnat} (Zo["o]l.), a small
dipterous insect of the genus {Simulium}, allied to the
black fly of the North. It is often extremely abundant in
the lower part of the Mississippi valley and does great
injury to domestic animals, often killing large numbers of
cattle and horses. In Europe the Columbatz fly is a
species with similar habits.

{Buffalo grass} (Bot.), a species of short, sweet grass
({Buchlo["e] dactyloides}), from two to four inches high,
covering the prairies on which the buffaloes, or bisons,
feed. [U.S.]

{Buffalo nut} (Bot.), the oily and drupelike fruit of an
American shrub ({Pyrularia oleifera}); also, the shrub
itself; oilnut.

{Buffalo robe}, the skin of the bison of North America,
prepared with the hair on; -- much used as a lap robe in

Cod \Cod\, n. [Cf. G. gadde, and (in Heligoland) gadden, L.
gadus merlangus.] (Zo["o]l.)
An important edible fish ({Gadus morrhua}), taken in immense
numbers on the northern coasts of Europe and America. It is
especially abundant and large on the Grand Bank of
Newfoundland. It is salted and dried in large quantities.

Note: There are several varieties; as {shore cod}, from
shallow water; {bank cod}, from the distant banks; and
{rock cod}, which is found among ledges, and is often
dark brown or mottled with red. The {tomcod} is a
distinct species of small size. The {bastard}, {blue},
{buffalo}, or {cultus cod} of the Pacific coast belongs
to a distinct family. See {Buffalo cod}, under

{Cod fishery}, the business of fishing for cod.

{Cod line}, an eighteen-thread line used in catching codfish.

  1. The near-extinction of the buffalo herd, combined with pressure from local missionaries, all but wiped out the rituals that had united the Omahas for centuries.
  2. Ale and Carol Janssen have a home where the buffalo roam.
  3. Though an animal of surprising quickness and speed, the buffalo has never been as challenging as, say, whitetail deer.
  4. It also helps to be real fast on your feet, said Hasselbring, one of the nation's estimated 300 commercial buffalo producers.
  5. At Mr. Mantigi's rites, some buffalo meat will be set aside for his future nourishment.
  6. As Angelo Abbate addressed a golf ball with a nine-iron at Hollywood Lakes Country Club, a herd of 13 buffalo addressed him with wide-eyed stares.
  7. With my buffalo, I can just sleep through the night." The following are the most popular videocassettes as they appear in next week's issue of Billboard magazine.
  8. The problem with bison, or American buffalo, and elk in the huge Yellowstone National Park is that infected animals can roam onto cattle rangelands, mingle with herds and thus spread the disease.
  9. Wildebeests, wild buffalo and giraffe on the Serengeti plain in Africa have been found to be big methane producers.
  10. A neighbor on a snowmobile took buffalo meat, eggs and bread to the Wynne farm Saturday morning because food was running short, Mrs. Barrett said.
  11. But he bid first on Cody's Winchester rifle, inscribed and hand-carved with buffalo.
  12. A herd of a relative of the buffalo known as the beefalo roamed onto the Florida Turnpike early Sunday, causing five accidents and costing the lives of seven of the huge animals, police said.
  13. Another is never turn your back on a buffalo.
  14. The High Plains Journal of Dodge City, Kan., called the plan "a real buffalo pie in the sky idea."
  15. One of his sons once "got his horse knocked right out from under him" by an angry buffalo.
  16. But Pakistan is a developing country where to put mystical explanations ahead of bricks-and-mortar development is to put the cart before the water buffalo.
  17. The harvest of those buffalo is a humane harvest of animals that would otherwise starve to death." For the state of Montana, however, it's an economic issue.
  18. Ranchers have complained vigorously that the buffalo that roam from the park damage property and threaten to infect cows with brucellosis, a bacterial disease that causes cows to abort their calves.
  19. About 400 stockmen, ranchers like Brian Ward of Center, have gone into the buffalo because of a beef market made unstable by American eating habits.
  20. But buffalo meat also brings twice the price of beef, and it's lean meat.
  21. The national corn king credits his top-notch crop to generous applications of the real thing from his cattle and his buffalo herd, Illinois' largest.
  22. In men's belts, we find a belt of "real water buffalo hide" that the label says was made in New York City.
  23. The governor and representatives of eight Sioux tribes drew deeply and passed the pipe Thursday as they sat in a circle around a buffalo skull and other items in the center of the state Capitol rotunda.
  24. The highlight of the meal was Mr. Kuban's tangy buffalo sausage, which, he confided, included some beef for binding.
  25. It was a "very challenging" piece de resistance that contained, among other things, buffalo dung, says Mr. Brinton.
  26. Complaints from people like Crosby may stem from a misunderstanding about how buffalo should look, he said. "A person has to get pretty close to them to see what shape they are in," he said.
  27. Researchers are trying to determine if bacteria found in the digestive tracts of American buffalo can be implanted in pigs and help farmers save money fattening their hogs for market.
  28. The buffalo are fascinating.
  29. Sari-clad women stooped among the waist-high rice, and white egrets perched on the backs of wallowing water buffalo.
  30. He took the ball, and thundered at them like a buffalo with a mission.
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