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 brown hematite 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] 褐赤铁矿

    Brown \Brown\ (broun), a. [Compar. {Browner}; superl.
    {Brownest}.] [OE. brun, broun, AS. br?n; akin to D. bruin,
    OHG. br?n, Icel. br?nn, Sw. brun, Dan. bruun, G. braun, Lith.
    brunas, Skr. babhru. [root]93, 253. Cf. {Bruin}, {Beaver},
    {Burnish}, {Brunette}.]
    Of a dark color, of various shades between black and red or

    Cheeks brown as the oak leaves. --Longfellow.

    {Brown Bess}, the old regulation flintlock smoothbore musket,
    with bronzed barrel, formerly used in the British army.

    {Brown bread}
    (a) Dark colored bread; esp. a kind made of unbolted wheat
    flour, sometimes called in the United States Graham
    bread. ``He would mouth with a beggar though she smelt
    brown bread and garlic.'' --Shak.
    (b) Dark colored bread made of rye meal and Indian meal, or
    of wheat and rye or Indian; rye and Indian bread. [U.S.]

    {Brown coal}, wood coal. See {Lignite}.

    {Brown hematite} or {Brown iron ore} (Min.), the hydrous iron
    oxide, limonite, which has a brown streak. See {Limonite}.

    {Brown holland}. See under {Holland}.

    {Brown paper}, dark colored paper, esp. coarse wrapping
    paper, made of unbleached materials.

    {Brown spar} (Min.), a ferruginous variety of dolomite, in
    part identical with ankerite.

    {Brown stone}. See {Brownstone}.

    {Brown stout}, a strong kind of porter or malt liquor.

    {Brown study}, a state of mental abstraction or serious
    reverie. --W. Irving.

    Limonite \Li"mon*ite\ (l[imac]"m[o^]n*[imac]t), n. [Gr. leimw`n
    any moist grassy place, a meadow: cf. F. limonite, G.
    limonit.] (Min.)
    Hydrous sesquioxide of iron, an important ore of iron,
    occurring in stalactitic, mammillary, or earthy forms, of a
    dark brown color, and yellowish brown powder. It includes bog
    iron. Also called {brown hematite}.

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