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 brothers-in-law ['brʌðərɪn`lɔ添加此单词到默认生词本
pl. 内兄, 小叔子, 大伯子, 内弟, 姐夫, 妹夫, 丈夫的姐夫/妹夫, 妻子的姐夫/妹夫

    Brother-in-law \Broth"er-in-law`\, n.; pl. {Brothers-in-law}.
    The brother of one's husband or wife; also, the husband of
    one's sister; sometimes, the husband of one's wife's sister.

    1. They included the former president's two brothers-in-law.
    2. The Alfa story began almost a century ago in a red-brick brewery run by two brothers-in-law, Isaac Garza and Francisco Sada.
    3. They got a boost Wednesday when two brothers-in-law from Minnesota brought six $400 de-icers to the $500,000 rescue effort.
    4. 'You don't need telling times are bad,' he used to say, 'when they're firing the brothers-in-law.' I pass on his quip with some trepidation because, on recent experience, it will provoke protests.
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