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 brick-red 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 红砖色的

  1. Two monstrous women with brick-red forearms folded across thelr aprons were talking outside a doorway.
  2. The unique T-shape structure with brick-red counter table brings best combination of elegance and convenience.
  3. Specification: The pills are brick red colour.10 pills per bottle.

  1. The boxy, brick-red towers of Mexico's first nuclear power plant jut into the moist tropical air from a sandy beach flanked by palm-fringed lagoons.
  2. The North American robin is almost twice the size of its European cousin and has gray-brown upperparts and a brick-red breast and upper belly.
  3. Gerry made straight for the stand and ordered enough of the cream-flowered Deborah Woodfield and brick-red Trooping the Colour to fill the rest of his border in one sweep.
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