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 brevity ['brɛvətɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 短暂, 简短

  1. He is famous for the brevity of his speeches.
  2. How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life?
  3. Brevity is the soul of wit.

[ noun ]
  1. the use of brief expressions

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. the attribute of being brief or fleeting

  4. <noun.attribute>

Brevity \Brev"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Brevities}. [L. brevitas, fr.
brevis short: cf. F. bri[`e]vit['e]. See {Brief}.]
1. Shortness of duration; briefness of time; as, the brevity
of human life.

2. Contraction into few words; conciseness.

Brevity is the soul of wit. --Shak.

This argument is stated by St. John with his usual
elegant brevity and simplicity. --Bp. Porteus.

Syn: Shortness; conciseness; succinctness; terseness.

  1. The merits of brevity seem never to have crossed their publishers' minds.
  2. Human conflict and struggle goes on." Her father, she said, "hated stupid dialogue and unreal situations." Cooper was famous in movies for brevity of speech.
  3. George Washington's first was held in New York and still holds the record for brevity - 143 words.
  4. Two state-sector bankers followed, both also declaring incomes of more than L1bn. The brevity of the salaries' storm derives from the fact that it is largely artificial.
  5. The conservatives appeared to have won, judging from the brevity of the references to reform and the repeated calls for strengthening the inefficient, debt-ridden state-owned sector.
  6. While it is true that a constitution must be brief, we should not sacrifice a true and accurate expression of the aspirations of the people for the sake of brevity.
  7. Despite all the jokes about its brevity, there's a lot compressed into USA Today.
  8. After all, television inspired USA Today's brevity and brightness, the color weather maps and abundant news-blurbs that got it labeled the "McPaper" of fast-food journalism.
  9. Typified by brevity and a closing 'point', epigram is the standard brick with which many a 17th-century poetic structure, great and small, is built.
  10. Don Fidel is not known for his brevity.
  11. These two consultants have done more to define the 'hard' side of re-engineering than anyone else; Hammer runs his own firm, while Champy heads CSC Index. The virtue of their book is its brevity, readibility and - for the most part -clarity.
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