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 breadfruit tree 添加此单词到默认生词本



    breadfruit tree
    [ noun ]
    native to Pacific islands and having edible fruit with a texture like bread

    Breadfruit \Bread"fruit`\, n. (Bot.)
    1. The fruit of a tree ({Artocarpus incisa}) found in the
    islands of the Pacific, esp. the South Sea islands. It is
    of a roundish form, from four to six or seven inches in
    diameter, and, when baked, somewhat resembles bread, and
    is eaten as food, whence the name.

    2. (Bot.) The tree itself, which is one of considerable size,
    with large, lobed leaves. Cloth is made from the bark, and
    the timber is used for many purposes. Called also
    {breadfruit tree} and {bread tree}.

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