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 boundaries 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Boundary \Bound"a*ry\, n.; pl. {Boundaries} [From {Bound} a
    limit; cf. LL. bonnarium piece of land with fixed limits.]
    That which indicates or fixes a limit or extent, or marks a
    bound, as of a territory; a bounding or separating line; a
    real or imaginary limit.

    But still his native country lies
    Beyond the boundaries of the skies. --N. Cotton.

    That bright and tranquil stream, the boundary of Louth
    and Meath. --Macaulay.

    Sensation and reflection are the boundaries of our
    thoughts. --Locke.

    Syn: Limit; bound; border; term; termination; barrier; verge;
    confines; precinct.

    Usage: {Bound}, {Boundary}. Boundary, in its original and
    strictest sense, is a visible object or mark
    indicating a limit. Bound is the limit itself. But in
    ordinary usage the two words are made interchangeable.

    1. An estimated 19 House seats will move from northern and midwestern industrial states to the Sun Belt before 1992, and millions have been spent to maximize each party's strength in the state legislatures that will redraw the House district boundaries.
    2. He was a hypersensitive man unable to bring together the male and female components of his personality, and in the grip of a terror of losing the boundaries of self'.
    3. A key question: How long will the stock market remain locked in a trading range, regardless of its boundaries?
    4. After the state's House boundaries were realigned, Michigan became the first state since Reconstruction with two black congressmen.
    5. He said the predominantly Arab sector of the city was beyond the "Green Line" that delineated Israel's boundaries before the 1967 Six Day War in which Jordan was stripped of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
    6. He said small countries such as his own cannot accept "for anybody to be able to delete by force the boundaries of an existing nation." "Good answer," Bush told Perez.
    7. Werner Friedrich, deputy director of the Swiss Hotel Association, told Bern's Der Bund newspaper the prospect was "frightening." "Such a change of food laws would definitely overstep the boundaries of good taste," he was quoted as saying.
    8. But there has been no significant change in the boundaries of production. The new SNA will do nothing to assuage feminist economists who have strongly criticised the system, and therefore governments, for largely ignoring the role of women in societies.
    9. Velayati said of Friday's session: "We have only had procedural talks." But he said Iran still maintains that the next step of the peace process should be an immediate withdrawal of forces to the prewar boundaries of both countries.
    10. Noorani says he considers the documents complete. Afghanistan was reported still opposed to having the text refer to "international boundaries" because of what it considers a border dispute dating to Pakistan's independence.
    11. He plans to devote more than half the $70,000 prize money toward getting special legislation to declare the space free of national boundaries.
    12. They can discover and learn from the outcomes after it is over. One of the most important processes in successful teamworking is managing the boundaries - keeping sponsors and clients informed and happy.
    13. Aukar lies within the boundaries of greater Beirut.
    14. Thrifts, for example, are generally freer to expand their operations across state boundaries.
    15. In Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles, minorities hope to make gains following lawsuits that challenged electoral district boundaries.
    16. The House approved legislation Tuesday that establishes boundaries for the Gettysburg National Military Park, where President Lincoln delivered his historic address and the Union and Confederate armies fought a key battle of the Civil War.
    17. But within a few years, every single major trading country will proportionately produce as much outside its boundaries as does the U.S., if not more.
    18. Endorsement of that resolution is, in effect, recognition of the Jewish state within pre-1967 boundaries.
    19. The independence declaration did not define the boundaries of the future state, saying it would be determined by future negotiations.
    20. Many observers agree that they need to look beyond traditional boundaries.
    21. The case is considered a landmark because Younis was the first suspected terrorist arrested under the 1984 Hostage-Taking Act, which gives the United States jurisdiction outside its territorial boundaries when American citizens are taken hostage.
    22. If they ring up and say come to the West End in a half an hour, one of the directors will be there." "The service has no boundaries if you have enough money," says Jorg Heinemann, associate director of Unibank in Luxembourg.
    23. They're really giving in to political pressure and stepping over their boundaries."
    24. Azerbaijani authorities have been altering administrative boundaries in Nagorno-Karabakh and resettling Azerbaijani refugees there, the protesters claim.
    25. It can be a new tool to research systems - including economic - that don't repeat themselves, but stay within certain boundaries," Reese said.
    26. As early as 1963, the population had already doubled to 3m and the city's boundaries were also doubled to accommodate the inflow of people moving from rural areas.
    27. He was a warrior," Stone said recently. "He was an outlaw rebel pushing at boundaries.
    28. Moral gestures have their boundaries. Coming from a party that cast down, then took up again, Lord Parkinson this is piquant.
    29. Washington and Tokyo agreed to maintain exchange-rate boundaries, but neither country moved to support those rates, either by intervening in the exchange markets or by changing its policies significantly.
    30. In the past, regulation of the securities and futures industries has depended heavily on the influence of the two agency heads, who have played a pivotal role in defining the boundaries between futures and securities markets.
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